I Love Making Stupid People Feel Stupid

There really is no cure for stupid, is there? I'm sure my comment here is pretty obviously tongue-in-cheek? Except Mr Professor, James Garcia, I've had the pleasure of his numbness on YouTube many times before, clearly doesn't 'get' dry humour.. 🙄
And yes, that is Sargon of Akkad's (Carl Benjamin to Jess Phillips!) bitesize channel 👌
Edit, it's been brought to my attention that it blurs. This is the text
Me: The only time I'll ever be 'woke' is if my phone battery dies, my alarm doesn't go off and someone has to wake me up in the morning!!
Him: Lazy generation z at it's best
Me: Wooooh! Hang on. Are you calling me lazy? Or are you the lazy one for not reading an understanding my comment??
Him: Lazy generation z at it's best
Me: Wooooh! Hang on. Are you calling me lazy? Or are you the lazy one for not reading an understanding my comment??
Yes, I put 'an' instead of 'and', but I was spitting feathers!!