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I Dont Like Cussing

I think cussing is demeaning and repulsive. I don't like it when people cuss and that is not proper manners. What will Emily Post say? Even my parents cuss sometimes and so am just astonished. My friends got annoyed with me by saying "don't be telling us what to say? We don't tell you what to say so don't do it to us! We can cuss all we want!"
I am ever so shocked.
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StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Let's see. You have been posting a lot about the travails of being too nice. Too agreeable. Too polite. Too sweet. Well, it sounds like you lectured your friends about their language. Not so much those things.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@StevetheSleeve: why not go on about nerd thighs or something like that?
MissNiceGirl · 31-35, F
@StevetheSleeve: and?
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@MissNiceGirl: and ... you're judging them and trying to get them to adjust to your norms. It's not nice. If they're swearing bothers you to the point you can't be around them, then you shouldn't be around them. Please don't take this as an anti-nice post. I actually like nice.
No wonder you are not liked-and your sister, who tells it like it is, is. You are a walking and talking morality play.
MissNiceGirl · 31-35, F
@Elandra77: That was harsh :(
@MissNiceGirl: Not exactly. BUT-it is a truthful OBSERVATION by one TWO AN A HALF times your age!
@MissNiceGirl: She's telling the truth. I don't sugarcoat shit either. What did you expect, for people to only tell you what you WANT to hear? That's no way to learn.
your friends are right. honestly you can make a personal choice to not do it. and make it known you dislike it and would prefer that they do not do it, but other than that thereis nothing you can do. trying to force them to adhere or change who they are isn't ok. what if they tried to do the same to you? you CHOSE them as friends, and acceptede them, which means you accepted them as is. cussing and all. thebest you can do i think is tell them why it bothers you so much sincerely and hope they try to keep it at a minimum in your presence. hope this helps in some way.
@MissNiceGirl: that's why then. They're frustrated and don't want to be scolded constantly like children. If they wished to stop, by now they would have. The only advice I can give is seek a different crowd if what they do or say, so disturbs your level of peace.Cheers
MissNiceGirl · 31-35, F
@DancingStarGoddess: ok. Thanks
@MissNiceGirl: very welcome
WildHeart · 41-45, F
I don't like using profanity too, its not that I have never done it before. I have in the rage of anger but I control myself for most parts. As a lady and a mother I don't like the feeling I get after I have cuss.
MissNiceGirl · 31-35, F
@WiseGirl: thank you! Somebody understands me
firefall · 61-69, M
thanks for the warning. I think it's probably going to make both of us happier if we have no further discourse, in this case.
MartinII · 70-79, M
You are quite right.
GlamGirl · F
In my real life, I don't use much profanity, especially the F word, though I don't have a problem if others choose to. But on SW, this whole other persona comes out, and it feels really good to let those #%*!#'s fly. It's very liberating!
Why are you so shocked thay people cuss? Yes too much cussing isn't proper but geez girl, nobody wants to be lectured like a kid. Being too nice is annoying too. Loosen up and be yourself like I've told you.
I know it's so rude. The fucktards.
@MissNiceGirl: Oh my god? That's not very polite either. Try and lighten up.
MissNiceGirl · 31-35, F
@DarkestTrance: I mean you cussed
@MissNiceGirl: Oh dear, I'm so sorry I offended you. Good luck in the world.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
Thine friends soundeth like fuckeries.
@Sicarium: LOL

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