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I Love and Hate Arguing Politics

I really need to vent a little just now. I was answering a question about Hannity on Fox news blaming Obama for the stock market decline yesterday, and I was reading all the answers by various people. And then I just had to block someone. Boy, would I like to write down her name for you....but I can't.

I don't know if this person is a known troll or has a double jointed spine and stuck her own head so far up her own wazoo she can't remove it, but I couldn't believe what she said.

She (really) said that people who watch Fox news are peasants. I guess she thinks she is Marie Antoinette, and lives in some third world country. Or, perhaps she lives in a palace in Beverly's just hard to say. I do family trees as a hobby, and I would venture to guess that it is time for a pruning.

I have heard so many truly reprehensible things said by the far left during this earthquake-like shake-up of partisan politics in the United States, that I know the slimy worm of elite discrimination is burrowing holes in the brains of the far left.

People like this can't uphold their own political views without establishing first that they are better than anyone else. I've now heard "peasants", "deplorables", "red-necks", "illiterate red-necks", "red-necked evangelicals" and of course, "illiterate red-necked evangelicals".

These are the same people who will scream in the streets about equality for immigrants. Unless, of course, the immigrants disagree with which case they will cease to be "good hard-working people, the salt of the earth"....and will become "peasants" like the rest of us. But you know, if you want to become a citizen of the United States, you need to know what's in store for you if you should ever achieve your goal....if the far left has their way.

The mental giants who coin these terms have absolutely NO clue that they, themselves, are creating a larger and larger Republican base of voters, when Independents and Moderate Democrats listen to this sort of slime and scramble to disassociate themselves.

People like (name deleted) can count among their clones Nancy Pelosi with her "crumbs" and Hillary Clinton with her "deplorables". All I can say is...I hope they all keep up the good work....working for US....the peasants!!!! LOLOLOL!!!
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GeniUs · 56-60, M
I enjoy a good political discussion, very difficult to come across one on here and I must say that Republicans and Democrats are equally dissociated from reality but having said that the really disagreeable ones tend to be Republicans. I'm very surprised that the phrases you have highlighted were used by a Democrat as this (as I understand it) goes against their basic politics of supporting the less well off. Can you put up a link to the discussion where this occurred please.
[BTW I am in the UK but have an interest in world politics.]
4meAndyou · F
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Ok the peasants comment isn't a bad one as such since the person is referring to Trumps 'supporters'or whatever you want to call them, it's a derogatory term but it could be used for anybody who works for somebody else. You came across well but I think that is why your post appeared to be ignored; why debate when you can just trade insults which is so much more fun to those who aren't shackled by wanting to hear the truth. If you want to discuss anything of that nature I'm happy to talk (and learn) whether it's about politics or anything else.
4meAndyou · F
@GeniUs It is my belief that the intention was to degrade. Trump supporters are not peasants any more than any block of people numbering in the millions are all evangelicals. Anyone who wants to create class distinctions (or have them recognized) in the United States has a long, hard row to hoe.

However, it is even more harmful to the person who uses such a ploy, as those who hear or read their comments are typically appalled by their thoughtless vitriol and automatically cease to believe them or listen to them.
FoxNews was recently removed from British TV-much to my annoyance.I shall just say I really enjoyed watching it.
4meAndyou · F
@therighttothink50 I doubt that it is something he can control. It is almost a guarantee that if I love a particular show, it will be taken off the air.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@4meAndyou you don't know much about the British government, they lean heavily toward the totalitarian left, they hate free speech, especially Conservative free speech.
4meAndyou · F
@therighttothink50 Well, I did rather know that. I have many online friends from the UK, and the leftward slant is quite apparent. Furry, above, was a teacher, and I know another teacher, and both have mentioned politically correct leftward leaning impositions on the school system.
Well anyone who took basic college economics class would know presidential policies have very little to do with the performance of the stock market. What happened yesterday was pretty much a result of inflation due to increased money supply and the fed reserve changing rates. The stock market has nothing to do with a successful economy
4meAndyou · F
@Insomniac100 I don't think there is a lot of thinking going on.
Well said and cheers!
I too have enjoyed political discussions and I mean 'discussions' not a hate filled banshee screaming fest from some triggered person that claims I don't have a right to state my opinion or try to shut me up and call me a racist...really, how stupid is that. Where's the respect for each others opinion?
People need to know that the majority of our mainstream media is a propaganda machine bought and paid to divide the country and hide the truth of what's really going on. Do your research.
If you heard the phrase: There is two sides to a story, believe me there's just we are getting one side and all are repeating the same thing over and over until you believe it. It's psychological mind control...remember Pavlov's dog experiment? if not, look it up. Oh he's Russian, so I guess, I'm a Russian stupid!😂
Thanks so much for sharing. I am a proud Deplorable to the core. lol
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@BemyValentine Thank God we have snopes to sort it all out for us.

@therighttothink50 😂 Yeah, more Looney Tunes!lol
Peaches · F
That's why I avoid political so called "debates" here. 😠It just turns into mud slinging and name calling, who needs that?!
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
If you watch fox news and believe for one minute that anything they report is reality then you ought to seek a therapist for delusional episodes. Sorry dearest.. the world is not here to please you...people do have varying opinions but the facts are not disputable. Fox news is comparative to watching the Kardashians.

Please feel free to block me.
4meAndyou · F
@JaggedLittlePill I did, and thank you for the suggestion. I always enjoy hearing from people from the far left who fling vicious insults at people they don't know for something as simple as watching a certain television station. I don't need to do anything else other than allow your post to air. You have amply demonstrated quite a bit with your own words.
Peaches · F
@JaggedLittlePill Yeah, but they don't have to be so nasty about it?!😠👎🏼

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