by the light of the moon
walking hand in hand by the moonlight’s view of the sand
hear the ocean’s roar
feel the spray from the waves
as they crash upon the shore
it’s been so long since my heart has sung this beautiful song
but these words I give to only you
as I’ve always done so many times before
for you are my treasure
my diamond in this vast sea of shells
for my heart knows the brilliant melody
of your heart singing it’s song to me
my words I give you this day
my heart awakens in the dawn of the new Spring
let us walk hand in hand
wherever life takes us forever more
hear the ocean’s roar
feel the spray from the waves
as they crash upon the shore
it’s been so long since my heart has sung this beautiful song
but these words I give to only you
as I’ve always done so many times before
for you are my treasure
my diamond in this vast sea of shells
for my heart knows the brilliant melody
of your heart singing it’s song to me
my words I give you this day
my heart awakens in the dawn of the new Spring
let us walk hand in hand
wherever life takes us forever more