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xixgun · M
You forgot my favorite,”Well, you’re getting older “
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xixgun · M
Makes you want to belt them @greenmountaingal
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@xixgun It's as if you've gotten too old for your complaints to matter anymore. It would be better to hear them say, "I wish I could help you, but I am sorry to say medical science hasn't caught up with this yet. We just don't have a cure at this time."
xixgun · M
@greenmountaingal yep
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
I’m very sorry to hear this.
I hoped they became a tiny bit more helpful as we age but it seems they only change the non answers.
My favorite is the slight shrug followed by I really don’t know. come back if it doesn’t go away.
I hoped they became a tiny bit more helpful as we age but it seems they only change the non answers.
My favorite is the slight shrug followed by I really don’t know. come back if it doesn’t go away.
@TwiddlerofThumbs Doctors are trained how exactly to deal with patients and which words to use. Though I understand some doctors are just incompetent and unhelpful
@SW-User lol....that was a good laugh, seriously, brought a tear to eye.
@jetpack I'm a med student 😂 it's another story if they don't necessarily follow what they're taught
GoldButterfly · F
Doctors are mostly scams and licensed dope pushers. I avoid them for the most part. Somethings they are useful but others they are not.
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GoldButterfly · F
@fidra2 What the hell? I made simple statement and you insult me. You are the one that comes off like the idiot. So low that to gain self esteem that you have to call a stranger an idiot. lol. you are pathetic!!! Go run and get your dope before you die and go to hell!!!
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@GoldButterfly I'm not quite that cynical, but I did have to go through 8 doctors in 6 years before I found one who knew about my condition and came up with a workable and effective treatment plan. A good doctor is rare, but they do exist.
MarmeeMarch · M
you have some messed up docs friend.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@MarmeeMarch There are some new antibiotics that address the problem; the one I am trying is methenamine hippurate. It only becomes active when the bladder biofilms release bacteria and an infection starts. I am also taking 1000 mg. of d-mannose daily and nightly to prevent e.coli bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. There are a lot of new treatments for UTIs and most doctors know nothing about them.
MarmeeMarch · M
@greenmountaingal good for U - hope it all works out for you
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@MarmeeMarch Thank you. I do too. UTIs have all but ruined my life.
Medicare. So great they want us all on it.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@xixgun Thanks for the laugh.
xixgun · M
My grandma told me that one @greenmountaingal
Tminus6453 · M
The second one was how my last appointment ended without him saying those exact words..