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I Hate People Who Drink and Drive

Don't drink and drive .ON THE SIDEWALK!!!!!!!!!!!
Just crusin along the sidewalk ear buds in oblivious to the world ,out of no where something crashes into the back of my leg spins me around and i end up on the ground beside a car that just crashed into the building in front of me! The idiot driving is trying to back up, a guy helps me up and out of the way.The driver was stumbling drunk ,they told me i'm lucky 6 inches further ahead and i would have been between the car and the building . Nothing broken but i'd feel luckier if he had missed me altogether!😖
Slink · 26-30, F
Mercy! Wtf!? Why are people so stupid?!
xRedx · M
Shit man you could've lost the leg. Press charges and let him take care of the medical bill. You deserve nothing less
xRedx · M
@kodiac should be going to jail as well. The moron could've killed you or others
kodiac · 22-25, M
@xRedx They took him to jail directly lol .
xRedx · M
@kodiac that's good to hear bro
kodiac · 22-25, M
I feel like i couldn't have gotten out of the way with or without the buds in . He got cuffed and stuffed at the scene. If he'd been able to back up he would have then run over me! i'm pilled up right now so no pain ,but oh tomorrow won't be fun .
deadgerbil · 22-25
Wow, that's terrible. That driver should get slapped and his license revoked for life. Very lucky you survived with minimal injury.
omggg ! report him go to er
I hope you make a speedy recovery and that you should sue them and take the maximum settlement that’s possible.
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Omg.... that looks so painful :( hugggggggs. So glad you are OK
JerseyGal · 51-55, F
That's horrible. Yes, you are fortunate it's not worse. I hope you heal quickly, but you really should get checked by a doctor. I do not believe it matters if you had ear buds in or not. The point is, the person driving the car is at fault. Next time it could be worse and someone killed.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@JerseyGal I went to the hospital in the ambulance ,Nothing broken just bruising ,the skin on my calf feels like it's going to explode from the swelling! I don't think ibuprofen is going to help a lot .
MethDozer · M
Not shifting the blame but this is one example of why I think it is insane to walk around in public with headphones on.
It's just not sage out there with people to be unaware nd cut off from the surroundings.
MethDozer · M
@Slink I agree. But it is a him BTW. I feel for him, just sayin', it's full of fucked up people best be ready to react. Again, not blaming the kid.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@deadgerbil Maybe if i had no buds in and he hit a parked car or something i'd have heard him coming stepped forward really quick and ended up right in front of the car instead of beside it. I believe i was lucky it happened just the way it did.
deadgerbil · 22-25
@kodiac Oh yeah, you are def. lucky that you survived with just some severe bruising. Many die after getting hit by a car or they become paralyzed and live on with a diminished quality of life.

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