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Favourite pro wrestler

And why?

Mine is HBK... I used to love the Rockers and their tag team run and loved watching Shawn Michaels turn heel and become HBK.
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testbutton · 51-55, M
i'm old school with Roddy Piper!
Repete · 61-69, M
Rowdy was great I don’t remember many matches he was an announcer when I saw him most . @testbutton
testbutton · 51-55, M
@Repete have you seen the movie They Live? he's awesome in that movie. it's a good movie too.
Repete · 61-69, M
I’ll have to check that out. Thanks.@testbutton
Repete · 61-69, M
I use to like Chief Jay Strongbow ( probably spelled wrong) and the Ultimate Warrior . And liked a lot of the older ones but I’ll pick those two .
@Repete not heard of the Chief to be honest. Yeah Warrior was amazing, him and Hogan attracted me to pro wrestling. Loved Warriors fued with Rick Rude... brilliant...
Repete · 61-69, M
The chief was way back my dad watched wrestling every Saturday. I don’t know many of the new ones @SW-User
Was always a fan of Christian, or pre-wwe aj styles. Honorable mention to Benoit and hart for their raw technical skill.

In person mick foley is probably the most personable wrestler I've met in person.
SarahAndSamantha · 51-55, T
Jake the Snake, Undertaker, Kane, Foley, Stone Cold, Kylie Ray, and Andre the Giant. All for different reasons.

All around, I'd probably have to go with Taker
WhiskeyxXxLullabye · 46-50, F
I have some:
Undertaker is my #1, HBK, Triple H, Big Sexy, I loved the NWO Wolf Pack, Sting, Stone Cold Steve Austin

Now, its Alexa Bliss, The Fiend, Randy Orton, Drew McIntyre
PoizonApple · 41-45, F
Undertaker all day
Macho Man RIP 😞
@BettyBeez ooooooooooo yeah.....
Enkis · 26-30, M
Macho Man, Roddy Piper, Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, or CM Punk

Please don't make me choose
@Enkis Y2J... loved his promo for WWE. Yeah Jericho is class. I don't watch pro wrestling anymore so must admit I had to Google your man Omega... Time will tell. Not sure the new guys have the platform that others have had in the past?? The game has changed..
Enkis · 26-30, M
@SW-User If you want to see a masterclass of wrestling, watch wrestle Kingdom from a few years ago with okada/omega (the one where omega comes out looking like the terminator for his entrance). That match was what put him on the radar for US audiences and eventually the AEW deal with his American friends in NJPW.
Enkis · 26-30, M
Also give AEW a try. It's a return to wrestlers actually having fun again while performing. I heard it compared to the better parts of the attitude/nwo Era but I wasn't really around to see that live.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I think pound for pound it’s still Booker T
@JRVanguard he was class loved Booker. Felt they could have handled him better once in WWE. Still a legend in my eyes. Harlem Heat 👊🏽
The hitman👍
Pfuzylogic · M
Dick the Bruiser, a former Green Bay Packet.
@Pfuzylogic never heard of him, heard of the Bears of course.
Pfuzylogic · M
@SW-User I looked him up in Wikipedia.
He was big in the 60s and 70s and died at 62 in 1991 from internal bleeding. He was massive and he played defense on Green Bay not Chicago. He was World Champion one year and wrestled with his cousin the Crusher. They wrestled BlackJack Lanza and Mulligan who were managed by Bobby Heenan when Heenan was much younger.

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