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I Sometimes Wonder What the Hell Is Wrong With People

We the sheeple need to wake up. The media has created hype abt this coronavirus to scare everyone into obeying all the government restrictions that are getting worse and worse. They want to ruin the economy so people have to depend on them for survival. They want to control us, to what purpose I don't know.
VictoriaU · 41-45, F
You are American I guess... If you could, I'd tell you to pop over to Europe at the moment and see how much this thing is hype... Only you can't...because people are dying and they have closed the airports to protect people as much as they can...and people are still dying... When the death rate starts to double [i]every three days[/i] in your State..then I suggest you start listening to the [i]hype[/i] and start washing your hands and staying away from people... By the way.. I am not trying to control you, or ruin your economy...Trump is doing a really good job at both of those things already, so I'm happy to stand aside and let him... Please, take your own advice and wake up before it's too late...
xp47rb · M
@VictoriaU if the virus is allowed to run rampant it appears maybe 5% of the population could die a few years early. Most of those are older, like me,or have health issues already. Is extending those lives a few years worth destroying the world economy? That's what's happening.
VictoriaU · 41-45, F
@xp47rb Ah, the ‘tar pits’ argument... once people have reached an age that is beyond the useful working age for the good of the wider community, then they should be pushed into the tar pits and left to die, releasing the community of their burden.. An interesting thought, and if you are volunteering then I would only advise having a second thought... I do understand your argument, however the virus itself hasn’t listened to the narrative that it [i]only[/i] kills the old and infirm.. In the UK we have had victims of 40 years old, and I am sure that this has been repeated on main land Europe to.. When the banks destroyed the economy, the world governments raced to bail it out...a virus destroys the economy and we should defend it by letting people die?.. Poor people, obviously.. the ones with no health insurance... not the wealthy though.. that would never do...
xp47rb · M
@VictoriaU for some reason common sense has disappeared on this issue. Is it better to lose 5% of the population or to destroy the world's economy and impoverish 85% of the population? For some reason the past 30 years or so it's become common for tail to wag the dog.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Be thankful we aren't under the Obama regime. Things would be a lot worse. He tried very hard to create havoc thankfully he failed.
fireandice69 · 61-69, M
i love reading all these opinions expressed back in March when all the Trump sheep listened to him and his playing down of the virus as a flu that will quickly disappear by magic. the truth has come out and he was recorded back in the first week of February saying that at that time he knew that this virus was 7 times more deadly than a flu and that he also knew that it could be transferred easily through the air. his excuse for not revealing those facts to the public was that he "didnt want to create a panic" . it wasnt the people of america he didnt want to panic ,, it was the all important stock market he didnt want to panic and endanger the finances of all his billionaire friends. we now have over 200,000 deaths from this virus because of his delayed actions . if he had actually cared about us citizens more than his money and power and done things to protect us like many of the other countries did we would have had at least 100,000 less dead citizens right now . we also would have been almost back to a more normal way of life at this point. but now its so far out of control it will take much longer to stop or slow it down. its now the "Trump Virus" he owns it for his lack of real action and he owns all those unnecessary deaths that happened because of his arrogant bullshit that always comes out of his mouth. the only person that could see the situation here in the USA for what it really was is VictoriaU. of all of the countries in the world we have about 5% of the worlds population, but because of Trumps "playing it down" for two extra months , we now have over 20% of the worlds deaths. its such a shame that Trump has so many mindless sheep that will listen to anything he says even if its a complete lie and just believe it. i for one dont take anything said by either side as truth until i have taken the time to verity the facts myself.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
I don't take it as far as you do, but I do think (so far) they are creating unsafe scenarios of various types about a virus where many people never get sick and most recover. Time will tell.
[c=#4C0073]to be seen as a saviour, for people to follow blindly, first a problem of a pandemic scale need to be created :) Then provide a half solution, with a very high price, get rich, get powerful, while all suffer :)

The end is near, it is best to just worship me 😌[/c]
Peapod · 61-69, F
You do realise that these restrictions are on EVERYONE, regardless of party affiliation. Even the press is under restrictions. The whole world is under restrictions.
Cloud7593 · 46-50, F
@Peapod Yes it's unbelievable.They are trying to create The New World Order.
Peapod · 61-69, F
@Cloud7593, it is very disconcerting. What bothers me is what we all[i] don't[/i] know for all this to be happening.

I hope it all passes and then we can pull apart what was really necessary and what wasn't.
Take a look at what the virus has done to countries that didn’t react quickly. Don’t use self-isolation to ramp up your conspiracy theory game.
texasmentor54 · 70-79, M
Another conspiracy nut? 🙄 I could maybe buy into the world powers engineering this virus to take care of their retiree problem, but not that the virus itself is a hoax. It is killing people, and will end up killing millions.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@Cloud7593 There’s something in what you say, but at the moment the death rate from Covid19 is far greater than it is from the flu.
MartinII · 70-79, M
@texasmentor54 No, it’s much less than that. Less than 5% of confirmed cases worldwide, I think, which means that the ratio of deaths to actual cases is far smaller. Still, you are quite right to say that it it is much more lethal than flu at the moment.
texasmentor54 · 70-79, M
@MartinII Yeah, the numbers are scary...even if it is only 3%, if 1/4 of the population gets it, that is 2.5 million deaths.

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