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I Draw Stuff

Finally first page of my comic finished! Jesus Christ deadline is coming soon and it's taking so damm long to me. *cries* Kinda happy with the outcome and at the same time I wished for it to be better...
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xRedx · M
Wow, the detail and shading is outstanding. Seriously great job
JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@xRedx Thank you very much :)
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I'm not a comic fan, but I do love what you've done... Good luck with the project!
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@JaneSerenity that's very true... But looking at what you've done so far, I don't have any doubts that you can do that too!
JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@ozgirl512 You have more faith in me than I do haha 😂 Still thanks.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@JaneSerenity we are often our own harshest judges... And that's not necessarily a bad thing..I have trouble drawing a straight line.. So I admire the ability in others
marsbar · F
Looks cool! 😃
Looks great, how much more to go?
JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@Lackwittyname Around 15 pages. I wanna finish first chapter at least, since it's based on book. And thanks :)
AmericanBroad · 31-35, F
Wow that looks so good!
Wow!!! That's freaking incredible!!
@JaneSerenity I bet the pens with the special endings would take lots of time... would there be waiting periods to allow the inks to dry so there's no smudging?
JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@SW-User depends on how you are drawing with them .... you would have to work on sections and let it dry to avoid that smudging... also depends how you are holding it ...
@JaneSerenity that's patience
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
This is really good! 😃
JaneSerenity · 26-30, F
@yugimotodm Thanks :)
yugimotodm · 26-30, M
@JaneSerenity you're welcome 😊
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
It's incredible
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
BeTs u WiLLz NoT finish On timEZ

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