SageWanderer · 70-79, M
Life in general. I never thought things would have ended up as they have and to be honest the pressure can get to me at times.
Silverwings · 70-79, F
@SageWanderer Self nurture is very important to our well being, if we do not take care of us, who will? We are important.
Paintedfox · 36-40, F
Death of both parents, abandonment and because I have low self-esteem and I'm not assertive I keep meeting people that use me. I have a van i camp in and I want to run away with my son. We were talking about the desert tonight...
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Paintedfox · 36-40, F
@SageWanderer exactly 🙏🖤
Silverwings · 70-79, F
@Paintedfox I am sorry about the death of your parents, they are usually the best friends we will ever have and it is hard to loose them, and especially hard if they go together. I would like to suggest instead of running that you stand your ground, face your issues and learn how to grow stronger. One way to do that is thru knowledge. Self esteem for instance, can be increased/, you can learn to build on what you have and allow it to grow, the same thing goes with being assertive, it can be learned. If you run, your problems go with you, if you stand and face them, they can be overcome. In the mean time how about going to the library and checking out self help books on how to become assertive, and how to build self confidence and self esteem, also books on toxic people and ask the librarian to suggest other topics. In no time at all you will begin to see a change, and it will be like an awakening, i assure you it will be more than worth the effort and trouble.
Silverwings · 70-79, F
@SageWanderer There is absolutely nothing like being alone in the beauty and vastness of nature to bring peace and tranqulity to the mind and soul, and the body as well, as we shed the toxicity of our sometimes environment, nature is a very stabilizing influence on us.
Silverwings · 70-79, F
Sharing our thoughts with others helps us to heal also. We are not an island, we are a community and a family.
Silverwings · 70-79, F
Just knowing that someone cares means a lot.
Rebecca321 · 31-35, F
Good question. Probably because I Invest a lot into the people around me but do not get equal reciprocation.