@Gusman Ah, so awesome. I have one of these guys as a pet. Rose Breasted Cockatoo is also a name of Galah's. Stubborn things! He'll be 17 in March...and live to 90 or 100...
@SW-User Such beautiful Birds. Have you ever considered finding him a Mate of the same age? He may like to converse with his own.
@Gusman He actually doesn't like other birds. So much as a brightly colored feather duster freaks him out! He's very talkative and we whisper as well as sing. He still calls out for his brother, a dog, that's been gone for about 5 years. His bite is worse than the dogs or cats, so harmony is well balanced.😉lol
@JustNik An Ent, of course, I should have realised. And here is me calling it a tree. I like yours, it's almost "other worldly". I'm sure there would be some Ents in there too. Maybe they are related lol