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I Take Life Too Seriously

I take life too seriously sometimes. The fact that I am aware of it does not make it any less so. It is something I have to be actively aware of in my thought processes and do my best to let go of.

I am not quite sure why it is so to begin with. Perhaps it is in the way I was raised, or perhaps it is just the way society expects us to be. We are trained from a young age to be serious; it gets crammed down our throats at school. It is like there is some imaginary bar that we are constantly driving ourselves to measure up to. Like there are certain things the world expects of us and to not live up to it would somehow make us failures. The whole thing seems kind of ridiculous to me since it so clearly steals from our freedom of choice. That is what makes it so frustrating when I fall victim to it too - and I do.

It has led to a deep-seeded fear of stagnation, which has made itself apparent to me over the years. I am particularly hard on myself whenever I appear to be at a standstill in my life, because somehow I expect more of myself. I expect myself to be better... to eternally drive forward towards something; but I don’t even know what that something is. Sadly, during this continuous struggle to find some measure of success, it is too easy to forget to relax and breathe. Life is not all that serious... it can be beautiful and wild and fun. It is all in what you choose to make of it.

That is why I need to keep reminding myself to stop worrying about the future and experience the now instead. The more time you spend wrapped up in the stresses of the future, the more time and memories you are essentially stealing from the present. I need to stop stressing and taking life too seriously - none of us are getting out alive after all😉

“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves.” - Bill Hicks
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How often do you laugh or smile?
@Lullacus only when you are high on weed?
What about a natural high?
Lullacus · 31-35, F
@Ghostinthemachine Those are particularly rare. Maybe once every few months...
@Lullacus that’s sad 🥺
You need to find reasons
Rippie · 36-40, M
I take life seriously too

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