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I Find It So Hard To Show My Love To My Parents

I always found it easy to show love to my parents. My dad wasn’t a hugger or the emotional type until his emotions exploded in anger or hurt. He always kept everything bottled up until his cup spilled over. My mom wore her heart on her sleeve on a daily basis either being angry constantly or crying. As I got older after finding any reason to just leave what I thought was a toxic environment by following the first relationship out the door it still didn’t click. Being on my own I still wasn’t happy. I was putting a band aid on a bucket with cracks everywhere. Well that relationship failed but again due to the cracks to get out of that relationship I felt the need to get into another one without even recovering or understanding what was I doing. When that relationship fell apart which included being cheated on again no time to really think and fix some of those cracks I got into another relationship. Now I find myself really thinking about all my decisions and my choices. Now I understand my parents pain and what may have lead to their treatment of me and how deep their pain may have been but now it all seems off. I still have a belief in fairy tales and fate and just have so many thoughts in my head and I not sure what thoughts are normal and which are fantasies. I am tired emotionally and I hang in there but sometimes I want something more and I see more that I can be but it seems I always find it easier to go along. I lost a parent over a year ago and now I just regret all the time I didn’t get because I was so confused about who I was and what I wanted. I always try to do for people to help but it gets me angry when it gets perceived that I have other motives for doing it. I don’t have a grasp of who I am enough to understand that other people’s opinions don’t matter. I try to be a good person but it seems like I have made some bad choices and hurt some people because I am trying to figure out who I am by how other people are around me. So far it has been a very bad sign to me being a not very good person.
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Mikla · 61-69, F
This is so sad. I wish I had advice for you. The only thing I will say is let go.... You're now an adult. Don't let the past dictate who you are now. Counseling can help if you're up for it. I wish you all the best. PS: I too, grew up in an extremely toxic home. Everyway possible from physical violence to shaming.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
You may not be as bad as you think since everyone goes through this in one format or another, at one time or another. Regrets, like sadness is incorporated into our lives without any clear reason other than the old insight that there is a time for every purpose...

It's hard, but I am beginning to think we need to find the good inside of us by picking through all the debris that we have allowed to grow on the surface. It's like cultivating a plot of land. At first, all we can see are weeds and deep roots, but after raking and picking through all that surface debris, we finally get to see the potential of our back-breaking work. The key is in the cultivation.

Ahoy, mate.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Rely on you, look to discover who you are. As people are different, so will the message be different if we look to those around us.
As we are comfortable in ourselves, the people in our lives will be calm and respectful!!
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
I don’t have a grasp of who I am enough to understand that other people’s opinions don’t matter

I understand 100%
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F

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