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Change my mind: Capitalism is an inherent class struggle between those who do the work and those who own/run the means of production

Seriously, if you have a persuasive enough argument I will change my mind.
lovelywarpedlemon Best Comment
It's a complex issue... Overall I think the whole idea of what success is, and what it means to be a "wealthy" person/country is extremely flawed. The GDP does not measure health and satisfaction of a population, nor their environment. If the amount of money a person has is the *only* way to gauge "success," we have got it wrong.

Capitalism doesn't exist without consumerism, and with consumerism we trade a lot of our freedoms for minor comforts while destroying our souls, our sense of connection, and the environment. My convenience to purchase cheap electronics made from plastic (oil) directly influences the quality of life of people who have less money than I do. Without having this awareness, in living with such consensual blindness, we are not truly living. We are not truly living. Capitalism is absolutely class struggle, as well as human struggle--are we going to do the "right" thing? Apparently we are all okay with letting others suffer for our minor comforts.

"What's the alternative?"
Not to completely remove the systems in place, but to carefully and meticulously rework our global infrastructure so that there is less divide between classes, less focus on material wealth, and more focus on what really matters: connection, community, striving for a better world, for all.

But are we ready to give up our minor conveniences?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@lovelywarpedlemon Yeah. You're absolutely right and the kinds of motivations that drive you and choices you make (that I'm aware of from your posts here) are awesome and good ones.

I think we broadly agree even if we emphasize different things.
Jamesbo · 70-79, M
[@lovelywarpedlemon Yes plastic is a byproduct of oil so is oil bad? If you say it is then what would hospitals us for its life saving devices? When in one look around and you will see how much plastic is used. Now we have electric vehicles and making some progress with them. But would in the past without gasoline what kind of rapid lifesaving means would you get taken to the hospital. Automobile safety and efficiency relies on, yes plastic. May I ask do you own a car? Do you have a furnace in your home or an air conditioner? everything is a trade off. Now Socialism is where communism starts, then it turns ingto the end justifies the means. Do you know what that means? That means that if you are one that gets in way of what the ruling party thinks you can be arrested thrown in jail or murdered and that is why communism has murdered more people than any other form of government in history. Oh and don't forget Venezuela, the population is starving in a grand scale since they initiated there Marxist communist government. I don't happen to have the time but there is so much more. I can see out colleges are doing a very poor job of educating our youth and at a very high cost.
@Jamesbo I don't think you're the Grand Model of what a civilian looks like, nor do I think everyone should be/think/act the same.

hertoy · 70-79, M
I believe Capitalism is the fairest of all systems. Everyone is rewarded by the effort they put in to society. The blue collar worker is not a slave to management, he/she can change jobs, re-educate, open a business to be management. Some are born into power, some not, but the government does not prohibit anyone from bettering themselves.
@hertoy yeah, as long as you don't mind bulldozing anyone and anything in the way of "success" ... I don't mean to attack you but 40 hours a week just to be one check away from homelessness (which is how most people live) does not seem like "freedom," to me
EmilyMom · 51-55, F
@SW-User you keep referring to "distribution" of wealth. i believe socialism is designed to distribute the wealth, cpaitalism is designed to earn your wealth.
hertoy · 70-79, M
@SW-User There is no better system. Corruption is in all systems...power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. To artificially manipulate the wage gap would require a powerful government and disenfranchise the hardest and smartest of the work force favoring a more equal distribution of wealth. That sounds like SOCIALISM to me!
Sicarium · 46-50, M
False. Capitalism is the free, as in voluntary, exchange of goods and commodities and the private ownership of work provided. Nothing less, nothing more.

What you described is the usual socialist talking point that has nothing to do with reality.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@SW-User Did you even try to understand it? Because a blanket "please elobarate" usually means "I don't give a shit".
@Sicarium I do understand it. I just want to hear your more in-depth thoughts on the subject.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@SW-User There is no more in depth. It's that simple. Voluntary exchange. Your labor, your goods, your products, your whatever are yours. If you want to sell any of that, do it. If not, don't. Same for buying. Nobody can force you to sell or buy and nobody can claim what's yours.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I'm not gonna try and persuade you cos I agree.
Lostpoet · M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout You forgot PRINCE
I’m scared to ask what he identifies as @Lostpoet
Lostpoet · M
madmax83 · 41-45, M
I’m open to exploring your statement. My question is what do you propose as a replacement?
@madmax83 It's a hard one to put into words for me, as in one aspect (the generation of wealth) capitalism is a good thing, but in the other (the distribution of wealth) capitalism needs a serious overhaul. I think we were closest to the vague idea I have of an 'ideal' situation in the 1950s-60s, when people were earning more through the influence of unions, and the economy grew as a result. Things like raising minimum wage is one thing, but taxing the rich more to provide all citizens with a universal basic income as jobs are lost through automation is another thing worth looking into.
madmax83 · 41-45, M
Interesting thoughts. @SW-User
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
It's efficient at determining which goods should be produced based in consumption, but only when a non-monopoly, competitive system is maintained. Class struggle as a result of disparate wealth is not a necessary feature. It's perfectly possible to imagine a free market in which wealth is far less stratified.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I 100% agree with you.
@CountScrofula I don't really have a response to this, but it seemed reasonable to comment anyway :)
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Venezuela. Game Set Match
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