I Believe In Forgiveness
On the Monday before His Death, Jesus said: "Judas! Bear it in mind! Always bear it in mind: you are the one whom I loved more than anybody else, receiving from you less love than all the others have given Me. Nay, I received hatred greater, because it is the hatred of one whom I treated as a friend, than the fiercest hatred of the fiercest Pharisee. And remember also this: that not even now I hate you, but as far as the Son of man is concerned. I forgive you. Go, now. Nothing more is to be said between you and Me. Everything has already been done..."
The Poem of the Man-God: Jesus' Life on earth as recorded by mystic Maria Valtorta
The Poem of the Man-God: Jesus' Life on earth as recorded by mystic Maria Valtorta