novembermoon · 51-55
That's really quite awful. But at least there, the trains don't break down as much as they do here. Is there a way you could rent a place nearer to your workplace?
monster007 · 46-50, F
who doesn't?...
OkieGemini · 61-69, F
Oh, heck no! I couldn't do it!
Sssslm · F
@OkieGemini thank you for being understanding
OkieGemini · 61-69, F
@Sssslm you've got my sympathy - that's a lot of travel!
Sssslm · F
@OkieGemini travelling is the biggest task i face every day.
Cierzo · M
That really sucks. We have really created stupid societies when people have to travel that long to go to work
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