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I am an empath.

To this day, I recall the time Jennifer ripped a huge fart in 6th grade science class, and I am still embarrassed for her. 😳
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Piper · 61-69, F
I've never forgotten the wave of emotions I felt, for a girl in my 5th grade class. I didn't like the teacher at all at first, in this new school in a different country. Ms. or Mrs. Manning made most all the kids stand up in front of the class to read or recite their "reports" on assigned reading...especially the shy ones.
Anyway, this girl was so scared and uncomfortable up there having to do that that she lost control of her bladder. Some of the kids were laughing and jeering, before Ms. Manning tersely silenced them and very gently got the girl out the door. I don't remember the girl's name, just the horror and humiliation on her face. After that though, I really liked Ms. Manning.

(Sorry, I do realize that huge farts are a "funny" subject.)
No matter how old we get, farts are always funny. Dunno why...
SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
@FlowersNButterflies Not always, some of those liquid farts are dangerous.
@SnailTeeth Well, while I agree, you can never trust a fart, in retrospect? Still funny! Those sharts can be sneaky.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Did you research about her farts?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
lol thats cute that you remember that... I remember some fun times as well that I bet no one else remembers besides the ones who it happended to. There was this one time when my highschool friends were getting cocky about their intelligence and they only realized that they had taken water over their heads when they googled "Pressure tests on AC units usually is tested at 30 bars" and the fucking pressure gauge started sounding like a revving engine ahahaha! I just sat there with my feet on the table watching them run around. 30 bar is like a fucking bomb if it goes wrong you know?

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