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I Am An Empath

The Keys to the Ferrari - Part Three

But the purpose of the Veil of Isis has been realized. The evolution of a discriminating intellect or ego. Now as a race we must take that ego and return with it to our original state and there merge the two into one. Teaching us to do this has been the goal of all true spiritual teachers and all religions in some way or another. I prefer Buddhism myself because it cuts out unnecessary issues that are used by those in power to confuse and coerce the masses. Any path if followed wisely and out of one’s OWN heart will lead to results however. I personally prefer to cross reference all the religions and myths and let my heart reveal to me the patterns that will help me “purify” my ego and let it merge with spirit (subconscious) on the bower of eternity (archetypal realm).

If this process is done CORRECTLY there is no conflict between religion and science or logic and emotion. The whole point is to END conflict by bringing about something called hemispheric-synchronization.

Hemispheric Synchronization (hemi-sync)

“Hemi-Sync is short for Hemispheric Synchronization, also known as brainwave synchronization. Monroe indicated that the technique synchronizes the two hemispheres of one's brain, thereby creating a 'frequency-following response' designed to evoke certain effects. Hemi-Sync has been used for many purposes, including relaxation and sleep induction, learning and memory aids, helping those with physical and mental difficulties, and reaching altered states of consciousness through the use of sound.

Replicated, double-blind, randomized trials on anesthetized patients have found Hemi-Sync effective as a partial replacement for fentanyl during surgery.

Fentanyl is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine,[8] with 100 micrograms of fentanyl approximately equivalent to 10 mg of morphine and 75 mg of pethidine (meperidine) in analgesic activity.”

Follow along closely, more powerful than morphine. Do you understand now why “enlightenment” is talked about as being a state of supreme bliss? The “natural” state of human consciousness IS bliss. But hemi-sync was not something invented by Monroe, students of esoteric knowledge have known about it all along. Below is a meditation to help establish hemi-sync. It is called “Invoking the Four Directions” google it. There are many different incarnations of the mediation and it arises in almost every culture throughout mankind’s known history in some form or another. In witchcraft or Wicca it is called “Casting The Circle” for example. So think about it, your completing a “circle” and connecting both hemispheres of the brain. That is why casting the circle is the FIRST thing you do in magic. It prepares you to enter into your experiences in the right mindset. Hemi-sync. Now understand what your working with are the energies at work on you from within your OWN being and mind. “The kingdom is within YOU.” So this meditation should NOT conflict with beliefs in any way if viewed correctly. It is a tool and nothing more.

Invoking the four directions

Below is my version of the meditation which is meaningful to me and might not speak to you as clearly. There are many different versions of this meditation so look around and find one you like. Feel free to add your own deities and change out variables of this “model” as you see fit. Do however retain the directions and the elements in the proper order.

Empathic abilities

So what are the fruits of being empathic? What kinds of things do empaths do? Aside from the above listed abilities in the models at the top of this thread there are a few things worthy of noting. I will note 3 of them here but I am told there are 7 or 9 distinct abilities. We most likely perform ALL of these abilities from time to time unconsciously. The point however is that they are tools that should be at our conscious disposal. Most of you will notice you do these things already to a lesser or greater degree. Stay open however to the idea that even though you use them already and they “seem” simple, that there may be MUCH greater heights to which these abilities can be manifested.

Meditative Reading

The ability to hear the words behind the words. Poetry consists in hearing the words behind the words. When we ponder artwork we try to ascertain what it is “saying” to us. Well, the message of the artist is transferred through the “medium” of the art and into you. If you read the art correctly you are seeing directly into the mind of the artist. Now all books and almost all art can be “read” through if you look beyond the paper and peek “behind” the words and into the mind of the author. This requires a certain change is the context NOT in the content of what you are viewing. Like a crystal ball in the hands of a Gypsy you look through the medium and into your OWN mind.

Boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Boy: Then you'll see that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

Below I will quote another passage from Rudolph Steiner’s book “How to Know Higher Worlds.” These passages offer another hint how to silence the mind and listen without critical judgments and opinions while you read through books into the minds of the authors who could have lived thousands of years ago even. What you are reading is the “emotional resonance” trapped into the art or wording itself. Remember the first lesson, still the mind so that it is like a calm mountain lake. Then do not watch the book as you read but rather watch your own mind and how it reacts to the emotional undertones, watch the reflection on the lake to see the moon moving in the sky. Then what you will see is that what you are reading is not the story in the book but your own mind. And through your mind you connect with the “reflection” of the author. This can be applied to artwork and even architecture. You can learn to look through the structures of buildings (content) and there placements (context) to see hidden meanings in the world around you and catch glimpses of the minds of their creators and their creators hidden intentions (should they exist).


“The students of occult knowledge must also direct their attention to the world of sounds. Here we must distinguish between sounds produced by so-called inanimate objects (such as a falling object, a bell, or a musical instrument) and those coming from living beings (animals or human beings). If we hear a bell, we perceive the sound and associate it with a pleasant feeling. The scream of an animal, on the other hand, not only evokes an emotional association but also reveals the animal’s inner experience, its pleasure or its pain. In esoteric training, we focus on the second type of sound, concentrating our whole attention on the fact that the sound communicates something that lies outside our own souls.”


“We must immerse ourselves in this “otherness,” inwardly uniting our feelings with the pain or pleasure expressed by the sound. To do this, we must disregard what the sound is for us—whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, agreeable or disagreeable. Our soul must be filled only with what is happening in the being from whom the sound comes. If we practice this exercise systematically and deliberately, we will acquire as we do so the faculty of merging, as it were, with the being that made the sound. A musically sensitive person will naturally find this particular exercise for the cultivation of soul life easier than one who is unmusical. But no one should think that a musical ear is a substitute for systematically doing the exercise. As occult students, our goal is to learn to feel toward the whole of nature in this way. As we learn to do so, a new faculty takes root in the world of feeling and thought. All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sounds. Sounds that were previously incomprehensible to our soul now become the meaningful language of nature. Where we had heard only noise in the sounds produced by inanimate objects, we now learn a new language of the soul. As this cultivation of our feelings continues, we become aware that we can hear things we never conceived of before; indeed, we begin to hear with our souls.

Something must be added to this practice before the highest point in this region of soul experience can be attained. Particularly important as we develop as occult pupils is that we also work on the way we listen to other people when they speak. On the path to higher knowledge this listening skill is extremely important. We must become accustomed to listening in such a way that we quiet our own inner life completely when we listen. For example, when someone expresses an opinion and another listens, agreement or disagreement usually stirs immediately within the listener. Often in such a situation we feel compelled to express our own opinion at once, especially if we disagree. However, on the path to higher knowledge we must learn to silence any agreement or disagreement with the opinions we hear. Naturally, this does not mean that we should suddenly change our way of life and strive to achieve this complete inner silence all the time. We must start with isolated instances that we choose intentionally. Then quite slowly and gradually, as if by itself, this new way of listening will become a habit.

In spiritual research, we practice this new way of listening in a systematic way. As students, we should feel it our duty to set aside, as an exercise, certain times when we listen to the most contrary opinions, completely silencing within us all agreement and, especially, all negative judgments. Not only must we silence our intellectual judgment but also any feelings of disapproval, rejection, or even agreement. Above all, we must observe ourselves carefully to ensure that such feelings, even though absent from the surface of the soul, are not present in its innermost depths. For example, we must learn to listen to the remarks of those who are in some way inferior to us, suppressing every feeling of superiority or knowing better.

Listening to children in this way is especially useful, and even the wisest of us can learn a great deal from them. These exercises teach us to listen selflessly to the words of others, completely excluding our own personality, opinions, and feelings. Once we are practiced in listening in this way without criticism, then gradually, even when the most contradictory views and illogical statements are aired before us, we begin to learn how to unite ourselves with the being of the other person and fully enter into it. We begin to hear through the words, into the other person’s soul. As we consistently practice this new habit, sound becomes the medium through which we can perceive soul and spirit.” – Rudolph Steiner “How to Know Higher Worlds”

Shape Shifting

Not going to go to deep into this as there are many books that can elaborate on it and it is just a natural continuation of previously mentioned principles being applied to animals and even plants or buildings or whole neighborhoods to read emotional resonance. Once you have perfected the overview and can see yourself from outside your own perceptual set then you just simple “project” your view of yourself or reality into another animal, plant, or structure to read its emotional resonance. With animals you allow yourself to be seen from behind their eyes and thus “adjust” your own body language and mindset in order to “speak” with them on their level and not scare or unnerve them.

Remote Viewing

Now I am not sure if am getting this one correct. I have heard “rumors” of true remote viewing. As in, actually seeing visually another place or person through mental imagery. If that is even possible then it is a continuation of what I am going to “attempt” to explain here. This is where I may lose some people, you will either make the grade or you won’t. But think of this as mental cross word puzzle that you can try to solve by looking at it from different perspectives. You may want to come back to it later if you’re not making progress. Below is a quote form a book by Barbara Hand Clow who best sums up the method for remote viewing. She is a new age writer, yes I know… I kinda feel dirty about quoting new age books but regardless, it’s a nice explanation and a bit of a brain teaser.

“A hologram is produced when a laser beam is split into two beams. Beam A is bounced off an image to be photographed, Beam B is mirrored back so it will collide with the reflected light of the image. This creates an “interference pattern,” like waves from opposite directions intermeshing on the surface of a pond. The interference pattern is “encoded” on film, and if you shine another light into it, the image that was photographed can be projected into any space. Once it is projected, you can see this image in space – you can pass your hand through it suspended in air.

Your space is filled with waves from many sources, these waves are interference patterns, and images can be “created” out of them. Our media has specific, surface three-dimensional sounds and images that all of us can see and hear, but it is also loaded with “masked” sounds and images. You can ascertain these subliminal implants by observing odd thoughts, emotional patterns, or physical reactions such as stomach aches or headaches when you are tuned into the media, try to notice when and where they come from” – Barbara Hand Clow

Take into consideration now all that we have gone over. Imagine for a moment that a TV commercial is the laser beam and you are the object being photographed; your subconscious mind is the target. Beam A is encoded by the advertisers with subliminal messages and shot through the telecommunications network and into your home then through your TV and into you. It strikes the subconscious and delivers its coding. But now step back from your mind using the overview discussed above and do not judge what you see on TV, look through it by watching NOT the commercial but your own mind! Watch the ripples on the calm mountain lake, take your eyes off the moon in the sky and just watch its reflection as it passes over the lake. Now your reactions to the show or the commercial you’re watching is Beam B. So as Beam B (your emotional reaction) bounces back out into reality as a “response” it crosses Beam A which was the commercial itself and if you still the mind and allow yourself to shine the light of consciousness through the film of your awareness you can produce a holographic image and follow that image upstream to its source to see and understand the mind of the advertisers on a much deeper level. Just like reading through a book into the mind of the author but a bit more mental awareness is required.

If you learn to do this you will realize that EVERY where you go and EVERY thing you watch on TV is coded with subliminal images that are programming you at the level of the subconscious in ways you wouldn’t believe. There is a control “grid” placed over the entire world and it uses all forms of media including the arts and sciences (by the way they are taught). The grid is everywhere around you. The mind naturally rejects this programming and it can cause physical and mental illness over time. And you wonder why 1/5th of the world suffers from depression? (smirk) You wonder why you’re a recluse right now? Why you’re withdrawn from society? "It is no measure of sanity to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." It is humorous to me that psychologists often try to "cure" people from mental illnesses while not knowing what "sane" really is themselves. They are not "curing" anything really since the natural state of mind is taken away by our society and not given. All of the initiation rights that have helped in the movement toward higher stages of development have been removed from our culture in the modern world. The system is offline.

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