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I Am An Empath

I'm barely starting to realize I'm an empath and I still learning how to make "walls" around me. Any ideas? Also, I don't know how to control all of these emotions around me. When I ask my friends why they are feeling upset, or sad, or etc they always ask, "how do you know" and its hard to explain to them because they'll think I'm crazy. So I just say, "I can tell by the face you just made". I also get vibes from people and can read their aurora. Any suggestions on how to handle these things?
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Lulu Kitty, I have been a very strong empathy all my life. I used astrology to figure out who/what I am supposed to be, and to keep track of upcoming changes. There's an advantage to being separated from others around you, and there's a disadvantage. Rather than being pulled from one side and another, imagine you are the manager of the energy and can direct it as you please, hopefully for the highest good. You direct the energy type, whatever it may be. You are the person in charge of relegating how much goes here, or there, or slowing it down, or speeding it up, if you get my drift. This ability, once managed, can be good on so many levels. Do not fear it or be angry about it. That can really mess things up. Don't just be a receiver, be an emitter. I live with people who know what I am, and consider it just another facet of life. Most aren't that lucky. You can extend the ability beyond human emotions. I will probably not check this but once a day or more. I do not offer any service for money. I don't see that as necessary.
Moesmollkitty · 26-30, F
thank you for the advice
Yes, I have a suggestion. I suggest that you look up the meaning of "aurora". You lost your credibility when you used it in this context.

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