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Who would wait for a loved one if they got incarcerated?

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I wouldn't
Depends if there worth waiting for
No Way
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I have a boyfriend let's call him j, he's such an amazing person...who's made a mistake. Nothing big but he's paying for it away from me. It's hard trust me, some days are easier than others if I don't think about him being way I can get through the day. But for example when I receive a letter from him the day after I'm in a depression again. Just because I want him to come home so badly I just have to wait a little bit longer each day so that I can see his face again
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Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Yes it is really hard. I'm getting to visit him today so today's a good day but I do have my bad days too. Like you've said this is just an obstacle. If you can get through this you can get through anything. This will just make your relationship so much more stronger. Your bound to get depressed some days. That's normal I do too just shows you're human and how much you care. But this isn't forever and it will all be worth it when your back together again
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
I'm not running away from the only person that has made my life better other than myself. I'm 18 in a months times and I'm not a little kid, I've learned alot about the world and yeah maybe you think it's a bad choice but I don't. I'm with him till the end and I'm not running away from him. I've done being a teenager and it wasn't all that good; this my new chapter. I'm in college, I've got a job. I have a boyfriend and no matter where he is I'm not leaving him. That's what love is; if your ready to give up on the first obstacle then you don't know what love is.
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Not too far away then we're lucky some people don't even get see there partners at all so st least when you turn 18 you'll be able see him. And that's exactly like me I start thinking about all the little things and how much I miss them and it upsets me all over again. But the one thing I can't get out of my head is the day he got sent down. In the court room and how much I cried when he was getting taken away. I will never fur get that feeling. It still upsets me and makes me feel sick now when I think about it. Mines liking at getting out November December time on tag which isn't too far away. I know it feels like you've missed so much time but this little bit of time us nothing when you're going have forever together when he gets out. That's what I always think to myself anyway. This will all soon be a distant memory. And I hate it when I miss a call. I feel like I've let him down because I wasn't there. But he understands and he knows that if I don't answer I'm still there for him so he'll write me a letter instead
If your age is true, then you need to run from this person and all this baggage!!! You should be thinking about college, a degree, what type of job you would like to have ... not a convict!!! Why are you doing this to yourself? You need to start beating the books, and being a teenager!!
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Yeah mines acctual release date is July next year but he can get tag in November December time because it's his first offence and because he's on such good behaviour. I know exactly how you feel trust me. Before I met my boyfriend I wasn't happy and was lost then he came in my life and made me happy again and motivated me to sort my life out. So he's done a lot for me. He will be with you again one day. Like I tell everyone it isn't forever and if he can get parole that's even better so just keep looking forward to that. And hopefully he will ring you back then soon if it's something important. My boyfriends just rang me makes my day when I hear his voice :)
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Yeah my family too are against it becatse I'm so young they don't want me wasting my life but I don't see it as wasting my life becatse I want spend the rest of my life with him. My family gave just let me get on with it now but I can't even bring his name up but that's fine thought they were going stop me from visiting him but they haven't. My boyfriend also wants get on with my family so he's says when he gets out he's going have a talk with them and show them how much he loves me and how much he's changed and how sorry he is so hopefully when he's out everything will be back to normal. Like you said it's you and him. Your family can't tell you who to love. Are you from the UK then??
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Your lucky you get to visit your boyfriend I have to wait till I'm 18 to go but only 2 more weeks and I will be aloud. When I think about him I get upset because I remember everything he used to say that makes me love him, and yeah it's an obstacle hopefully he'll be back soon...he is applying for parole so he can get out in September this year and I'm hoping and wishing he does. We've missed so much time..and also I missed a phonecall from him today which is not good but yeah It will be over soon
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Thank you Tiffany that means alot that you say your there to talk to me if I need it. It's hard isn't it? I get depressed sometimes because when I think about being so far away from him. I love him yeah more than anything and I would still love him even if he wasn't inside; I just believe that this is an obstacle in our adventure and we just have to get through it in order to start it properly
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Haha that's exactly what I say! Especially as I have my family against as it aswell but I just keep telling myself it's me and him but my boyfriend he wants their approval as he's a good person so I know that he's gonna be forever trying to win it as soon as he gets out I just don't want anyone to hate on our relationship when they haven't been in our shoes. It's just that girls that are with guys in jail are stereotyped against but as long as you know your relationship it will be fine
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
I worry too that was my problem at the beginning I was worrying too much about if he got into trouble in there but he's proved a lot to me. He's kept his head down done his education and has now started 3 different jobs and is on the enhanced level which is for inmates who are on excellent behaviour so I don't worry too much anymore because I know he's doing so well and yeah just let him know I'm sure he'll understand
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
I'm always here if you need talk! I'm in the same situations as you and the feelings you have I get them too. Like I can feel okay then if I get a letter all I do is cry for the rest of the day or if I don't get a phone call one day then the day he finally does call me I end up getting upset all over again. I can be okay one minute then all the pain and upset can come rushing back the next minute
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Yeah that's true...I wasn't with him on the day he went away i hadn't seen him for about a week because of college and things and then he was just gone. I hope he gets out this year as his actual release date is August next year but he can apply for parole this year. Yeah that's true we have so much too do and I just want him here with me; he makes me happy and I've berm through alot so it nice to feel happiness properly. Yeah he hasn't called me in forever as he had no money so it was out of the blue and I dunno what it was about.
FromRoad · 80-89, F
You are still young and in that time of exploring life. My thoughts are to continue to explore -- no reason for your life to be incarcerated-- waiting is a limited place to park living. Be objective, stay in touch with your boyfriend--- and when he is back in circulation, you will know where life has taken each of you.
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Yeah I'm trying not to worry but he doesn't really tell me what he does in there but I suppose he's doing everything he can to get out as he doesn't want to be away from me...we have so much to look forward too and that's why he's hoping to get out in September as I know he will get out then. No one really understands what it's like tbh
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Yeah true and somehow everyone wants to judge the situation when they have no idea what it's like or how to get through it. I always think that there's nothing I can do about it...what is happening is happening and he'll be back with me soon
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
He rang me earlier at like 9:20 in the morning and I missed it because my phone was frozen. I'm hoping he calls me again tomorrow; I called the prison and they said to write to him and tell him to call you I was thinking that would take a whole week what's the point of that ahah
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Ooh mine turned 21 in April but they kept him in young offenders becatse he'll be out on tag in less than 9 months so there was no need move him and awe I hope you have a good birthday!
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Yeah exactly same for me too so our situations are similar and trust me I understand how your feeling. And thought so so is your boyfriend in young offenders then or an adults prison??
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Exactly just keep thinking like that. It's easy for people to judge or for people to say you shouldn't stay with him but I would like to know how would they feel or deal with it if it was them in this situation. It's hard enough as it is without all the judging and nasty comments
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
I worry all the time which is my problem yeah he'll call me tomorrow; I'll just have to let him know that I missed his call not purposely not answering them
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Yeah that's exactly the same for me; I'm not aloud to even mention him or a big massive row will start yeah that's what my boyfriend said aswell he wants to take my mum out for a meal and everything and show her how much he loves me and that I'm the perfect girl for him. Yeah I am from the uk
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Yeah he probably will call you tomorrow if he's called you twice now so I wouldn't worry too much
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
I know no one can ever understand unless they were in this situation too
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Well he's 4 years older than me so he's in the adults prison; I am 17 but 18 in 13 days
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Yeah I know it's so similar And he's in adults prisons what is your boyfriend in?
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Mines in young offenders I presumed yours would be in young offenders too because your around the same age as me
missunderstoodxo · 26-30, F
Yeah it's not forever and lucky he rang me today too but I missed it again so now I'm just annoyed because that the second time I've missed it and I feel like an idiot haha
Tiffanyx · 26-30, F
Your not an idiot haha did he ring the same time today as he did yesterday or different time??
tenente · 100+, M

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