Wolfdancer · 56-60, F
Here's an example; I'm laid up atm so I'm home period unless my girl comes by after work(which she doesn't) or on the weekend, providing she doesn't have other pressing things to do or other people to help. Generally, she's not here a lot of the time. I never complain to her(here I vent) and she knows full well how I feel about texting/messaging an actual conversation. Not gonna do it. So, gee what's that tell ya? But then no response. She's not talked to me in a week, but suddenly I get Oh so guess you don't want to talk, as though I haven't had time for HER? LOL SERIOUSLY???? She's 15 minutes from me. Whatever. I'm good. I got it. I'm really fed up with her mode of what she thinks is a conversation. How many times do I need to literally say, you know how I feel about texting/messaging a convo. Just WOW
Tellica · 22-25, F