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I Am Having Family Problems

Final Update:
My brother texted me to say that my parents were due to go to his on the day I said I would visit. I called my mum, I said I would be around at 12.30pm the taxi I order was booked for then. My Stepdad insisted that he had to leave at 1pm to be at my brothers house for 2pm. My husband (who is a driver by trade). Said that even driving at 30 miles per hour it would only take 30 minutes tops to reach my brothers house. We dropped off the present and cards we got them. Luckily they had stayed in to receive it.

In the card I tried to remind my mother that she has 5 children (yeah), I ain't the only one here. And put a collaboration of me and my sister together with mum together.

5 hours later my brother posts online a picture of his wife his mother in law and my mother sitting on a bench together near their home.

I was very angry, as I could see my mother was not impressed. She look positively miserable. Worst she is 83 years old and that day was not a day for sitting outside because it was a cold day. My sister in law might think it a warm day as would her mother as they originate from a country where Siberian weather is the norm. But not my mother. I felt sorry for her.

Since then she has not telephoned me.

On the social media page I had some comments. So I tried to tell the truth. Only technical glitch with my laptop it got sent several times to people. Now they think as my brother keeps insisting that I am mentally unstable.

But if I say to them. Ask him what exactly is my diagnosis and what medication I am supposed to he taking for this illness. They will then become hostile and try some other way of reasoning why they do not like me.

Not just simply saying we had an argument and we are getting back at her.
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Unity101 · 61-69, F
Things have gone from bad to worse.

Since the last time I wrote. My mother and I have not spoken. Strange to say my Sister-in-law is now posting pictures of her child all over my face book page in order to 'gain favour,' with my relatives on it. I have tolerated it because she is a young lady and is only doing what my brother and mother is telling her to do.

My nephew came from abroad the other day. Apparently he only stayed a day before going back. I was surprised until my mother rang. I said to my husband 'Sounds like she is wanting me to go around to her house to help look after my nephew. My son said he would go but not until a weeks time. I said I will do the same. Sure enough after the phone call did not work she visited within three days. I came home from shopping to find her sitting in my lounge. We had what I thought was a congenial time. Although she did keep saying that I should visit her more often and that she cannot do the things she use to. - (blatant hint, hint). Then she said that mobility was her worse problem and that she would like one of those mobility scooters or electric wheelchairs as she had seen a gentleman in town with one and she wanted it so she was able to go to the shops by herself. My mum stated that she wanted a second hand one. And that she saw one in the paper for about £200. I told her I would keep an eye out for her and let her know.

I contacted my younger brother (the one with the face book photo wife), and mentioned it to him stating that if he was willing maybe we could all put in for it and give it to mum as a early Xmas present. I started to search via the internet and free ads sites. I found one local. In good condition. Telephoned my mum to inform her. Said that if she and my step-dad of 37 years liked I would go with them to check it out.

My mum said she would ring me back. Then called and said that my stepdad does not want her to have one. So she decided not to go after one.

My mum is 82 yeas young. When I say younger she is compos Mentos and is mostly fit able she can still walk etc. the scooter was a mobility one the type elderly people use to go to the shops in which is what she wanted. My stepdad is 70 years old. He still drives and is also quite well.

So when I say this was as sarcastic remark to my by my mother. Believe me I am not mistaken. You see I gave up work about 10 years ago (after my mother-in-law died), to look after my husbands disabled uncle who get this was wheelchair bound.

So my mother was using this remark to make her point that I should look after her too.

Many of you reading this will probably think well that's ok. One should look after their parent when they are old.

But tell me would you if:

1. Your mother asks you to leave when you find out your pregnant with your ex-fiancé's child? The man she made sure she got rid of because she did not want you doing what your older sister did and leave the country she resided in.

2. Because you insisted on having the child said you made your own bed of nails and even one Xmas called the police and rang Social Services because you asked her for financial assistance and she said she did not have it. So you in order to feed your child was taking food from the fridge enough for three days until your boss paid you the wages he owed you after Xmas?

3. When you were 8 months pregnant upset you so much that you left the house (where you came to visit) because 1. Your stepdad passed you by in the car walking to where they lived and never bothered to pick you up. Then made you walk all the way back to where you lived. (That is why I am sure I had a premature birth).

4. When you found out that you had cancer and told her you went to say your goodbyes just in care and she said good let her die!

5. Upset your child when he went with them to Poland to represent you and your husband at your brothers wedding and then made him go by train to the hotel whilst they all piled in a mini-van. (By they I mean the best man, one of my other brothers and his wife and the brother that was getting married. Knowing that the boy was a flight risk as he had tried to commit suicide only a few months before.

6 Stranded you and your younger brother 80 miles away from home because you missed the last train the next day being a bank holiday and no trains said that they would not pick you up because your stepdad did not like driving at night. It if hadn't been for a kind hearted Christian fellowship from a local homeless shelter you would not have got home with your 2 years old child, you single parent friend and her two year old child and you nine year old kid brother.

7 Has taken, all your brothers abroad to the Caribbean on holiday but never has taken you or your sister.

9 And finally when you did not do the house (when I was younger), to her liking would hit you with a wooden shoe!

None of my brothers ever did the wash, cooking or cleaning. I was designated chief cook and bottle washer because she was a single parent then and someone had to look after the house whilst she worked to provide for us. I understand that.

But to give two brothers the deposit monies for their five bedroom homes. And to keep quiet when the third embezzled monies from myself on a house I worked hard and purchased myself with no assistance (apparently according to my mother), by making the purchase I was reaching for pie in the sky. Whatever that is supposed to mean.

After all that (the above is just the tip of the iceberg). Would you really want to go be her nursemaid in old age? Really would you. I would like to know. Because I am being made to feel guilty for her bitchiness by the others in my family who do not wish to undertake the task and constantly treat me as the poor relation in this.

But the real reason I will not lift a finger is she knows and is keeping secret about why my son tried to commit suicide. And she is covering her and someone else tracks. So trust her well that mobility scooter debacle prove that she is only doing it for appearance sake not because of any maternal feelings.

That's why I have finally given up. Let her beg all she wants I ain't going to be her carer. As she keeps saying she rich these days go hire only like everyone else.