TexChik · F
My user name is pretty much self explanatory. I do still get the question "Are you from Texas?" , And the answer is a very proud and enthusiastic yes. As for my profile pic, that's not me. Although she and I look a lot a like. She's depicting country commons sense . She's happy, and she knows how to quickly cool off and relax in the Texas heat.
swl2jo · 56-60, M
I wasn’t very imaginative when I came up with it. It’s my initials, plus a 2 because I’m named after my grandfather, followed my the first initial of my first two kids.
Creative opportunity wasted.
Creative opportunity wasted.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
nothing to do with the movie Silent Running then
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lorne13 · 61-69, M
@AliceTinker 1972, Bruce Dern, a pretty good post-apocalypse movie about trying to save plants that used to live on Earth
AliceTinker · 51-55, F
@lorne13 hmmmm
AliceTinker · 51-55, F
@lorne13 OMG just been to Google so sorry loved that film but remember 😢 to it. It's been years and years since I've seen it
tindrummer · M
mine is from the Gunter Grass novel "the Tin Drummer" - and the great movie made from it
firefall · 61-69, M
heh, and I thought your name came from a book, Run Silent, Run Deep

@firefall never heard of it.
firefall · 61-69, M
@SW-User doubtful it would be of interest to you, it's about a submarine captain in WW2
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Mines self explanatory...
nevergiveup · M
i have had cancer for many years. My user name says it all
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