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I Will Complain Even Though Complaining Does't Help

I find posts that start with " there's nothing worse than" really self centered and immature. Oh really nothing worse than you missing your best friend? I saw a documentary about some 12 year girl that got tortured for over 10 hours by other teenage girls then burned alive but hey at least she didn't miss her friend or her favourite show or her iphone didn't break....

End of useless rant.
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Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Pain is relative
Serenitree · F
@kayoshin 😊😃😅😂🤣. 😉😏

I like you. You make me think. And you make me smile.
kayoshin · 41-45, M
Shutup you, don't make me blush. Don't compliment me, i don't know how to react and it goes to my head way too fast.
Serenitree · F
You know that it's all hyperbole though. They don't actually think those are the worst things.
kayoshin · 41-45, M
@SW-User i do, it's still annoying:)
SwanNual · 31-35, F
Sometimes it's the futile things that matters to me at least hahaha. I'm that immature and self-entered yo fellow SW.
kayoshin · 41-45, M
@SwanNual seriously it doesn't matter, unless you were thinking about lifting weights, which is not a social(team) sport anyway. Most team sports are made of running around and jumping so if anything you will lose weight not gain it. Besides you don't have to train for the olympics just show up play meet people.
SwanNual · 31-35, F
I don't want my legs to get any fatter than they are I'll have to join a marathon team then @kayoshin
kayoshin · 41-45, M
No sport will make your legs fat at an amateur level.i would suggest a team sport like soccer, handall, basketball, volley where interaction with team mates is stronger so you get to know them their friends etc, networking.
The Khioshin is only supposed to watched. Leave the destruction to Hakaishin
kayoshin · 41-45, M
@SW-User I only watch, but I also complain a lot :)
@kayoshin let Zamasu do the complaining
Thanks, I feel better now.

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