Are short guys actually afraid of tall girls?? I'm starting to think that because the guys i don't know tend to get as far as they can from me, i'm 6'5'' but i don't think i look intimidating...
I'm 5'5" and I always liked tall women. Some of them liked me too. I had a certain amount of confidence because, while vertically challenged, I make up for it in another area...
My sisters are 6’0” and 5’9”. They had no problems at all with shorter guys coming around. The taller sister’s complaint was that the tall guys seemed to all flock to petite girls.
@likesunusualwomen I have a cousin that is 6'1 and to her height kinda ruined her life. She felt that she kinda had to be gay. Everyone assumed it because she couldn't find decent girls clothes so she wore baggy mens jeans. She was very skinny.
Not afraid but few tall women are looking to be with shorter guys, or at least that is our perception. If you are interested in a guy of shorter stature you may have to crack the ice by letting him know. Otherwise he'll assume disinterest.
A lot of guys feel uncomfortable with a girl taller than them. Maybe they think it makes them look less masculine to their friends? On the other hand, some guys are crazy for tall girls. I don't think I'm that intimidating either, but some guys make it a point to walk quite a ways around me.