SmartKat · 61-69, F
I just consider it part of the job.
It's this way: they're buying time from me, X hours a day. If they want to use that time to have me editing documents, great. They're getting their money's worth.
If they want to use that time to have me sitting in meetings or otherwise underemployed? They bought the time from me. It's up to them how they want to use it. If they want to pay a writer-editor's salary to have me sit in meetings.....that's their choice.
It's this way: they're buying time from me, X hours a day. If they want to use that time to have me editing documents, great. They're getting their money's worth.
If they want to use that time to have me sitting in meetings or otherwise underemployed? They bought the time from me. It's up to them how they want to use it. If they want to pay a writer-editor's salary to have me sit in meetings.....that's their choice.

@SmartKat Absolutely correct.
Lochlee · 56-60, F
I use meetings to hone my sketching skills.
jessss · 31-35, F
It makes an hour of my day go by so incredibly slowly.

Here's a good point... it pays the bills... 😂😂😂
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
Tell them .. Make your point clear to them
jessss · 31-35, F
Haha they already know. @khaledkhaled
khaledkhaled · 31-35, M
Oh :/
Timeforsun · 51-55, F
I get that too! Ever try skipping out on one?!
Mondayschild · F
Its makes you a payday