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Should I quit my job?

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I am working for a humanitarian organization, my life long dream, and I'll be on my sixth month this March 1. The thing is, I have a hard time doing my job because it is not related to my degree. And I have a hard time learning my task because it is not really the job that I want, or was trained to do. Aside from that I did not get the training/workshops that I was promised to have by our head. The environment isn't good either, workmates talk behind each other's back and you always have to be caution of your words because they will use it against you. One of the organizations goal is to alleviate human suffering, but the hell, I am suffering here.

My mom/everyone tells me that maybe in time I'll learn and things will change. But its almost half a year.

PS. Planning to send my resignation on Friday.
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SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
I agree with chaud. Although it's not easy to find a job that's both fun and rewarding, if you hate the job you should quit.

Good luck, whatever you decide to do. 🙂
nickir · 61-69, M
Always find the new job before resigning the old. Or make them lay you off. If you don't have s new job or massive unemployment funds or MASSIVE savings you have less freedom to wait for more choice & thus more chance at the job you want. Good luck!!!
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@saintpierre: thanks I will keep that in mind :)
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Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
It does seem easier to resign and then look for a job, however, I think things will be unstable for a while because of the New President. I'd concentrate on working out what you want from a new job and finding that job, whilst keeping the current one. Whilst the stock market seems to like Trump, that is the big end of town, I think everyone else is going to be cautious and not risk new employees for a little while.
Thank you for the concern, luckily I am not from the US :) although my country gets affected by whatever foreign policy he would have.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well you might want to find other job before you quit and you are like to have a job that you like.Most people work at a job because it pays the bills and that's what they care about.
I'm applying to the same company as my friends, it isn't really what I want but as you say, it pays the bills and I like that... Also my friends are there.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
It's great your friends are there but you are there to work. Well apply as soon as possible before someone else takes your job,
ajoite · 51-55, F
Sounds like quite a toxic environment, however I really wouldn't resign unless you have something else in the offing, although I've done it myself in the past. Di you have something else ? Yes it's amazing how many charities etc are horrible places to work
Sadly, there's no job waiting for me after I resign. I only have my savings to help me survive until I find another job. Hopefully it won't be long.
Vgore0304 · 26-30, F
If you don't have a job lined up for you you shouldn't if I was you I would ask your supervisor if they can have someone train you better
For training, I have to wait for the National HQ for that. And I can't know when they would have one because the only one who have access to our official e-mail is our boss and the other person he likes/trust/whatever (although this is not allowed by the NHQ because all staff should know the news/etc, and transparency)... Although he promised to train me personally... For other staff, no one can do it because we have different tasks.
Sounds like you have answered your own question.
I guess I just want someone to be on my side. Haha

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