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Work snitches.

Today I was let go from my PT vendor job at a grocery store all due to allegations from miserable women snitching on me who work there these women aren't even my co-workers but they don't like me and they wanted to get me out of there for some time I've noticed. They're saying they have footage of me leaving an hour early which is a BS lie the person who takes care of everything is just going off of what they're saying but it's okay this job was an hour commute I had to take public transportation sometimes pay Lyft to go there and back home I didn't really get a lot of hours or days it was mostly a weekend job didn't really make enough money from there but it's fine I know that I'll find something better and these people who are snitching on me will pay for what they did to me.
I had a injury in the army and so was taken off the line and put in the supply room for a while. One of my jobs was controlling a giant key ring of all the rooms in the barracks.

One of the guys who was hyper about promotion started spreading rumors about me one day after seeing me walk to someone's room to let them in after being locked out, about if they could trust me with the keys. It turned out I was breaking into everyone's room and robbing everyone blind all of a sudden, without a single report of theft.

So I had the keys taken away with me and placed with him. It was a trophy for him on the road of increased responsibility and status, and therefore rank.

Thing is, the locks on the rooms were crap, with big gaps between the door and the door frame, enough to stick a card into. Army issued us all this stupid little thing called A Army's Value Card with values written on it we were supposed to take to heart and read all the time, but someone noticed it was a perfect fit for sliding into the door to break into one another's room, so theft was ranpant- especially refrigerated food theft.

I really didn't care as I figured out the Army wasn' for me. That moron probably is a CSM of some Battalion right now figuring out how to backstab the CSM of a Brigade in order to get his job. Good for him.

People love to screw others over out of jealously and desire for advancement. Try not to work in a enviroment where just anyone can fulfil your role. Something specialized, and hope you don't get downsized.
Sazzio · 31-35, M
@Motzu Value card used for theft?? OH! the irony!
@Sazzio Oh, my best friend in the army was in Signals (his job was to monitor people's computers remotely to see if they were screwing around on social media, and type on their screen to stop that) and he was so proud of that card. He kept it in his wallet, and read it every day, and swore a good soldier should live by it. I told him what we did with it in the infantry and it broke his little heart.

His unit also distributed a bunch of old Pentium 2 computers to our battalion, and we hadn't the slightest clue as to what to do with them. People figured out how to load videogames onto it. He told me the goal was to hook it all up to the internet, so we could use the military email accounts that literally told us absolutely nothing.... and I told him that was a extemely bad idea. He was shocked and said why.... and I asked him what his job was, and he said I know what it was, to monitor people on the internet to make sure it was all wlrk related and wholesome. I told him we were arctic airborne infantry, we don't use computers except for videogames and porn, and then I described to him the porn video everyone was passing around that week was a guy stuffing a baseball bat up inside a woman. I asked him if that is what he wanted to see us do online, because that is the only thing we would do. Closest thing to work related would be watching middle eastern execution videos.

Guess what? They changed their minds and did not hook our unit up with the internet. I'm sure they have it now, but back then I can just imagine what the congressional report would be describing what government employees up in alaska are doing during work hours online. It would of been a national scandal.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Anyone willing to believe the word of others without proof, isn’t worth working for!
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
You'll do better🙂
Northwest · M
You're out a job that does not pay well, and full of busy bodies. Don't know how they will pay for it, or if you should care. You might be better off spending your energy on getting the job you really want.
disturbedchicken · 31-35, F
@Northwest funny because I was fired before from a job for no reason for not covering someone and the person who fired me got fired too so I'm sure they'll be replaceable here as well that's what I was referring to.
Thatsright · 61-69, M
Crazy and doubtful. Sorry dear.
disturbedchicken · 31-35, F
@Thatsright well, that's what happened.
Thatsright · 61-69, M
@disturbedchicken I am sorry to hear. I believe.

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