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Worst Day at Work Ever

I'm a perfectionist. I usually try really hard not to make any errors. I have a prickly client that I happen to know casually personally from a previous job that I worked at. He has been somewhat demanding (totally expected from him) but he has been disappointed by things that I cannot control. Perhaps I could have been more straightforward with him about some minor changes that he would have to make after I updated his system but I am learning and this wasn't even my project (because I am learning/helping) so how was I to know that he was unaware of the changes that he would have to do as soon after I updated his system onsite. The actual person leading this install had done all of the communication with him.
He sent a nasty email and copied the sales team (emotional damage).
Then he told me that he was interested in purchasing another software but that he needed to contact XXX person and he asked if I knew her. Her name was familiar in my mind so I thought to myself that she was a salesperson with my company, so I told him that I did know of her and that I would contact sales for him. I located her name in my email history and saw that she did not work for my company but was up in the chain for this huge government account. I merely emailed her (because I had told him that I would and did not want to lie about it) letting her know that his location was interested in the software and that I could contact sales if she has any questions.
Boy oh boy. Some huge national level sales manager sent me another bad email telling me never again to directly email someone this high up in government account and to contact him first. He did say thanks at the end of the email but that part was bullshit.
I'm deceased. I hate days like this. 😭
Penny · 46-50, F
no big deal. how were you supposed to know? dont worry about it at all. just shake it off and make it a new day
meJess · F
Ironic that a perfectionist doesn’t proof read her post title 😊
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@meJess Actually when you are a true perfectionist and you make any mistake at all you crumble and spiral out of control second guessing every action and acting kind of mini manic for a bit thus making way more mistakes.
Sounds like you don't know any perfectionists.
I'm still kind of out of sorts. I saw my error the same day but didn't want to go back to this post to remind me of my mistake so I left it till just now.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
This too shall pass.

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