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Casheyane · 31-35, F
When I was editing chapter 12 of a fanfic
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MasterofNone · 26-30, M
@Casheyane I'm actually interested in learning about what makes writing appeal to so many others. So in your words, how to make writing awesome readable?
That's a lot of variety there!
I'm interested in design field currently. I want to get into game design but to get into a master's program suitable for it, I have to learn industrial design and UX design. So currently I'm focused in improving my sketching skills, I'm making codes for the games, and just thinking about design problems.
That's a lot of variety there!
I'm interested in design field currently. I want to get into game design but to get into a master's program suitable for it, I have to learn industrial design and UX design. So currently I'm focused in improving my sketching skills, I'm making codes for the games, and just thinking about design problems.
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@MasterofNone One can easily tell if a literary piece did its job if it tugs and resonates in your chest. For me, before that can happen, it has to tug my own heartstrings as the author first. Only when I feel it's worth something will I be able to share it to my readers with hopes that they enjoy it too. So say it's an action scene, then it has to amaze me first as writer and reader. The narration has to be easy to read. POV has to feel real. And the words, it needs to reflect a life.
That sounds like a lot of work honestly. I'm not much into gaming. Honestly, I rarely play video games and stuff. But I know some people who are into coding and some people who are online artists. I didn't realize some professions require to do both. But if you're passionate and hardworking enough, I think you can do it. Best of luck.
That sounds like a lot of work honestly. I'm not much into gaming. Honestly, I rarely play video games and stuff. But I know some people who are into coding and some people who are online artists. I didn't realize some professions require to do both. But if you're passionate and hardworking enough, I think you can do it. Best of luck.
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
@Casheyane That sounds like a really good and implementable tip. Thanks!
Depending on the firm you only need to work on design or programming but I could already do both so it may help in the portfolio is what I'm thinking.
I wasn't much of a gamer myself until I found a few games that build worlds which are a lot like the one irl like replica of London, Paris, etc were made in some games and it was amazing how they incorporated such details in their works. So I started seeing games as a form of art. Yep I'm passionate, and giving time. Thank you.
Depending on the firm you only need to work on design or programming but I could already do both so it may help in the portfolio is what I'm thinking.
I wasn't much of a gamer myself until I found a few games that build worlds which are a lot like the one irl like replica of London, Paris, etc were made in some games and it was amazing how they incorporated such details in their works. So I started seeing games as a form of art. Yep I'm passionate, and giving time. Thank you.
checkoutanytime · M
Friday, i was on a magic carpet...
MasterofNone · 26-30, M
@checkoutanytime This looks great 🙂
checkoutanytime · M
@MasterofNone clears my mind of everything that is nonsense, i love it.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Usually while skating or bike riding.
Funkyfreakshow · 26-30, M
Friday night reading!
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Last night,sleeping.