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Majorlatency · M
Laptop purely for its larger screen size. More real estate allows you to manage more easily large spreadsheets etc.
justanothername · 51-55, M
Ideally a laptop or tablet. You need screen real estate when working on spreadsheets.
eyeno · M
just saying,
I'll use 'Word' only on my Tablet with a keyboard.
Had several Computers than a Laptop, now just a Wifi only Tablet.
It meets all my needs, from e-mails, online banking, surfing the Web to watching movies and Video Chatting.
Its why they always ask, "what are you going to use it for?" when purchasing a device...
With todays technology, its good to do your homework before purchasing a device.
I'll use 'Word' only on my Tablet with a keyboard.
Had several Computers than a Laptop, now just a Wifi only Tablet.
It meets all my needs, from e-mails, online banking, surfing the Web to watching movies and Video Chatting.
Its why they always ask, "what are you going to use it for?" when purchasing a device...
With todays technology, its good to do your homework before purchasing a device.
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InOtterWords · F
Lilnonames · F
A brain lol
iamelijah · 26-30, M
@Lilnonames I can't submit reports with my brains, right?
Lilnonames · F
@iamelijah u just did 😛