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Employers & Coronavirus

Apologies if this topic has been posted previously. I work in an office of about 10 people, with sales people & drivers occasionally in the office. Two people who are in the office daily felt ill, one about ten days ago & another about a week ago. We were advised that they have both been tested for Coronavirus. One of these people has advised a co-worker that their test as not processed because they didn’t meet testing criteria at the time. That person continued to say that their doctor advised that they could now be re-tested, but they’re so far along with the illness, they should just “ride it out”. Meanwhile, the employee who’s been out for about a week has apparently not received or is not sharing test results with co-workers.
I’d have to believe that the status of both employees has been communicated by them to management. Yet we’ve not been advised of anything, and, in fact, have been told that, unless we’re feeling ill, we must come into the office.
Our office is a bullpen style, open room with fully visible desks & office equipment shared by everyone in the office.
Not trying to sound like a conspiracy nut, but I’m feeling that the management is waiting until someone else in the office is symptomatic to allow remote working, which is very easy in our business. In the meantime, nobody knows if or whom may have been exposed, because we don’t know if our co-workers on self-quarantine have tested positive.
We had begun alternating days in the office with days working from home, but senior management decreed that people who aren’t determined to be ill must be in the office.
I personally believe that this is being mishandled, and that we’re not being provided full information regarding the status of our I’ll co-workers. We had one message sent out to us regarding the potentially infected co-worker who’s been out the longest time, and nothing further since. This seems very irresponsible to me.
What do you think?
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Yep ! My Son had exactly the same argument with his boss today !
Two folk 'suddenly' off sick and them unable to give a date for their return.

Boss told them to 'self-certificate'. Which in the UK means they effectively sign-off sick and get paid 'Sick pay' which is nowhere near their salaried pay.

Turns out both contracted the Corona virus working in other head offices but the management didn't want to worry other potential clients by declaring it !!!

New laws out today say they MUST declare it and the company can now apply for loans and grants while they're off sick.

The U.S will also have to do it this way. But of course they'll drag it out until it's no longer possible to hide the fact.

You can always rely on the Americans to do the right thing !...After they've exhausted every other option !
- Churchill
fun4us2b · M
@Picklebobble2 Great Churchill quote!
@Picklebobble2 I worked for a large USA company for years. I once used that quote to express the cultural difference... It almost worked lol
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@SW-User Yeah i think we're all about to get a dose of
Have the Dunkirk spirit !
from Boris 🙄
fun4us2b · M
I sent someone home that had contact with someone that had contact...but was then threatened by the union that since there was no direct contact I couldn't assume anything

I hate this! I am an engineer that started a company - and there is no guidance for this - so don't jump to conclusions about management - and make your own decisions to keep yourself safe...
Imaginethat · 61-69, M
Having worked in the same industry for 36 years, I know the mindset of these businesses that rave about how transparent they are to employees. They “value” the employees until there’s some calamity that may hurt their bottom line, then their human assets become potential liabilities. You can be certain that when they can’t sustain a revenue stream during this crisis, they won’t hesitate to begin laying the same people off whom they insisted on being in a potentially health compromised workplace. @fun4us2b
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@fun4us2b Problem is you make your own decisions and it can cost you more than your job !
pedrohedgerow · 61-69, M
I agree 100% with what you say,and absolute money minded,greedy shame on them.Put your life,and that of others before them.And report their actions to where it will (hopefully) hurt them.

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