CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Depends by how much. I'm facing a potential legislated wage rollback.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
No, ive' stayed despite two pay cuts due to reduced hours
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
I’m self employed and my income varies all the time 🙂
Rickg · 31-35, M
Just because of the pension
Just because of the pension
imo21169 · 41-45, F
my boss is God
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wildbill83 · 41-45, M
Easy fix... just start doing less work, taking more breaks, making more "mistakes", etc.
after all, the quality of work is directly proportional to the quantity of salary... 🤔
after all, the quality of work is directly proportional to the quantity of salary... 🤔
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Yes,but actually my employer is not allowed to do that.

Not until I had a better paying job lined up.
trackman11 · 61-69, M
Lol. Geesh. This is going to paint me as a fool. I recently asked for mine to be halved so my university could hire another coach. Best decision of my life. Money has much less value than I used to think. 🙂
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
330GTC · 61-69, M
Stillwaiting · M
I'd be looking for work and leave if I found something better. Have been jerked around enough during a divestiture and since. Will have had enough if they feck with my salary any further. That's after > 30 yrs with same company.


probably, maybe steal bunch of stuff to cover the loses
xixgun · M
Probably, as I never made a shitload to begin with.