curiosi · 61-69, F
This is what Carlos Castaneda calls the "Petty tyrant" Petty tyrants are the button-pushers, the individuals that have the ability to throw things off-balance for you if you let them. Many petty tyrants are unaware that they are the cause of so much frustration. They are effective teachers because they force the warrior to closely monitor their own reactions and habitual behaviors. The result is mindfulness and the ability to shift the assemblage point, even if ever so slightly, in order to loosen the fixation to the conditioned response that causes the reaction in the first place.
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@curiosi He's a dick.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
If your bosses behaviour is unacceptable. LET THEM KNOW !
You don't have to have a stand up row about it just let them know quietly that it's unacceptable and you won't tolerate it.
You don't have to have a stand up row about it just let them know quietly that it's unacceptable and you won't tolerate it.
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@Picklebobble2 He does picks on me a lot and I don't say anything. I've told only 2 co-workers. BUt HR won't do crap. I'd blow my brains out if I wasn't afraid of karma. But instead, I just rediscovered drugs.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@BeeHiveState Don't go that route. That's added misery for you not him.
Just let him know. Could be he's just an ass who doesn't know how his behaviour affects others.
And if he's half-decent even he must know that the better you treat folk the better their performance is going to be.
Just let him know. Could be he's just an ass who doesn't know how his behaviour affects others.
And if he's half-decent even he must know that the better you treat folk the better their performance is going to be.
Melpomene · 26-30, F
Capitalism? 🤷♀️
Get another job or endure until retirement? I'd suggest HR but if you're really powerless as you say, that probably won't be helpful
Get another job or endure until retirement? I'd suggest HR but if you're really powerless as you say, that probably won't be helpful
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@Melpomene It won't he's sly he does weird passive-aggressive shit. He's a left over 80's reject, he likes to tell stories of how cool hewas in the '80s LOL
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I recommend this book:
Take the Bully by the Horns
by Samantha Horn
I had a bully boss and this book helped me.
Take the Bully by the Horns
by Samantha Horn
I had a bully boss and this book helped me.
DudeistPriest · M
Get someone to drop a bag of weed onto his passenger-side seat in his car and then call the cops anonymously. HR will not even be able to help him as the cops will take him directly to the squad car. I hear this really works.
xixgun · M
Many phones can record now. Video and audio. I suggest using them and THEN go to HR

I would go to the Corporate head and file a complaint
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
I've lost many a job over bully boses.
Try to bully me laigh in their faces and look for another job
Try to bully me laigh in their faces and look for another job
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@Groofydorkgerdo I wish you would beat his ass, lol
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
@BeeHiveState Her, all my bully bosses were women.
Fite him
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@TryingtoLava The sad thing is work isn't even worth it, it's just a paycheck I have to earn to pay bills. It's not like I even want to be there, I just have to be there and he knows it and he has the power.
bijouxbroussard · F
I'm assuming this is non-unionized workplace ? 🙁
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@bijouxbroussard Yep, a government job.
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