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Working nights. Thoughts?

A royal pain is the ass. 😑
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69mrsmith69 · 51-55, M
I did shift work for 10 years! Such an unhealthy, unnatural thing to do!!!!
69mrsmith69 · 51-55, M
@Barelygettingby I ended up walking around like a damn zombie!!! Messes with your quality of life in my opinion :)
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@69mrsmith69 Yes, it can actually take a toll on your health after a while. I started to get sick quite a bit more often than I did before.
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
Yep only 4 more for me, Thank God!
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@SW-User days or years?
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
❤ Yay!!
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
Hey, at least you have a job, which is more than some of us can say. But I know, it can be a pain. I remember when I was working nights and I always had to cut out of parties early, and people never seemed to understand that it was just as important for me to be on time for my night job as it was for them to be on time for their day jobs. They would say, "Can't you be just a little late? We're not done yet here." That became frustrating.
Serenitree · F
@TeresaRudolph71 Friends understand. Acquaintances can get a bit too demanding. If you had to leave extra early, because you had no car and we're going by bus, a good friend would leave early with you, and drive you to work, and return to the party later.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Serenitree I agree. It was actually a friendly acquaintance, who had given me a ride to the party, who wanted to stay and talk to some guys, who also wanted me to stay there with her and give her moral support because she was a little nervous. So I ended up going to work by bus because she didn't want to leave, after listening to her complain about me leaving her alone to meet guys on her own. I think I ended up being a few minutes late to work, but I managed to keep my job. But yeah, that was frustrating. 🙄
Serenitree · F
@TeresaRudolph71 I understand. I've had "friends" like that. Briefly.
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
I did it for a few months but I got fed up of it
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@YouCanCallMeDan years here.
I used to prefer them for less noise pollution around but then every nice thing comes with an expiry date. 😌
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@sspec Ha. Ha. It sure does.
daddylikestoshow · 46-50, M
They're rough some nights to keep awake and motivated.
hertoy · 70-79, M
My wife worked nights for years and loved it,( she's an RN ), I never have, but I'm sure I would hate it.
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@hertoy same here. But it is taking a toll now.
Bean17 · 51-55, F
Bad for your circadian rhythm.😑
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@Bean17 I have always been a nigh t owl but it is taking a toll. 😔
Serenitree · F
For me, nights were impossible .
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@Serenitree Not impossible but I need a break. It is getting hard and I'm feeling yukky.
Serenitree · F
@Barelygettingby Perhaps I has the wrong night job. It was as a night watcher in a halfway house for psychiatric patients who were not quite ready to be out in the world. Once they were medicated they slept all night. The house waa dark. Quiet.. But I wasn't allowed to fall asleep. And they knew because there was CCTV in each common area of the house. .
Msp940 · 41-45, M
I prefer night shifts. Less people in the office.
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@Msp940 yes. Less politics etc. But it gets difficult physically.
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
For me it depended on the job
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@Scubaguy027 mine is highly stressful and fast paced. Often no time for a lunch break or even a bathroom break.
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
Retire then 😌
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@Mysteriousliaisons Ah yes. The mysterious tea drinker who wasn't "stunted" by coffee. Lol. Thanks. 🤗 ☕
Mysteriousliaisons · 56-60, M
Thank you night shifter lady 😉
Good thing I been stunted, otherwise I’d never get pants to fit anymore 😊. Lol
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
Lol. Well we couldn't have that!
Ajz59852 · 36-40, M
I hate working nights
Barelygettingby · 56-60, F
@Ajz59852 yeah. :(
I don't mind it.

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