daveal · 56-60, M
You need to be supplying government with something rather than in its payroll. A widget marked up 1,000 pct.
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daveal · 56-60, M
Some how the govt still over pays for everything
manda2303 · 61-69, C
now yes, but when their computers are letting contracts for supplies it will be instructed to accept the lowest bid I think. with little income from taxes they will have no choice. there is no telling where this goes; election of people may not happen in the future either. its a brave new world. @daveal

This is the dilemma the future faces, people say driverless cars wow, what about taxi drivers, truck drivers, and their families? It's our demise for sure.
manda2303 · 61-69, C
and this is just the part of the iceberg that is visable @SW-User

@manda2303 very true.
djjohnson · 41-45, M
the real problem wont be until the machine can fix other machines (or themselves). Welcome to Skynet!
Laura · 22-25, F
who stops the shopliftrs?
Laura · 22-25, F