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Exactly 19 years ago I quit a security company in protest...

I was transfered back to the control console desk for surveillance from the main gate at the site I was working at the month before and was partnered with a new guy to train him, it was the midnight shift. I noticed after training, according to his key card scans, he was spending a massive amount of time in a building along the walking patrol, about 45 minutes average, that should have been no more than three minutes to walk through, four tops. I started logging his key card scans into a notebook and alerted my site manager about it, he then told me to keep it up, giving him my logs at the end of the shift in the mornings when he came into work. After three weeks of observing I went on my two week vacation and during that time they set up a sting with a hidden camera, there were reports of employees having items stolen from their desks and work areas, they placed a $10 bill as bait, but all they saw was a hand with a partial arm snatching it. Even though his tattoo was clearly defined the lawyers said they couldn't charge him with anything, despite clear cut evidence. When I got back from vacation I was told what happened and got super pissed and screamed at the site manager that I was the one that got suspicious and alerted him, writing everything down for three weeks, that I should have been the one watching that hidden camera, and threw my badge and key card on his desk. This was in 2005, we all moved to Las Vegas in roughly less than three months after that.
Were they at least going to fire him? 😕
@Colonelmustardseed Only if they got his face.
@NativePortlander1970 Miserable having to work with someone you know is a thief, and management doing nothing about it.

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