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A 1,000 hour break

All i'm doing mostly here is not what being a SWeep is all about so for about ONE THOUSAND hours a little more than 40 days i'll become hermetically sealed, in a freezer of feminism, to emerge afterwards fresh and mad cow disease free 🐮
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
I am looking forward to talking feminism with you when you get back. You will be way more informed than I will be by the time you return.
@SW-User I've never been able to stay away as long as i set out to ....:)
@SW-User Mirrors something for me, but I'm going to give a good darn try upon this one.
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
@SW-User Well I'm glad you're back! I was disappointed when I saw this.

I actually haven't read that much. But I've just watched YouTube and TikTok that references feminist works, so I seem like I know what I'm talking about. I know a lot of these books because they've been on my "Want to read" list for a very long time.
Glad youre ok x
@V00doo My readings are a tad overwhelming, but that's what i'm after, to be bowled over ....:)
@SW-User Aren't many's readings?
@SW-User My current foray is different than all my previous kinds :)

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