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Frustrated with consulting job

I am sick of the consulting world. There are so many negatives in that world:

- overworking the people without adequate compensation. Putting 5 to 10 projects on a person until they almost have a mental breakdown?! What is going on here?!
- adding extra roles and projects without extra compensation

Lack of recognition:
- The quieter, more introverted, less popular people who perform quality hard work, yet the manager couldn't give a damn about them.

Arrogant management:
- Who think they are the gift of the earth, who think they are better than others. They say everyone is treated the same, but there's cronyism everywhere
- Management acts like only they deserve the best and the rest just has to eat from the bottom of the barrel, mind you, while the rest is very highly skilled!

Ass-kissers and cronyism:
- There are idiots who just do nothing all day but lollygag and ass-kiss management. And they get the best positions and chances, while the hard-working, actually skilled people get nothing, get treated like dirt. Since when is a job about being liked, huh?!

Forced atmosphere:
- semi-forced group lunches
- stupid happy hour bs. You're not obliged, but if you say no, they'll whine about it and you're made to feel guilty for having a life and a personality

- fake smiles, fake hi's, fake how are yous, the damn laughing always at every topic
- fakeness everywhere

I have to put up with this for now. Sometimes it's a pain.
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OldBrit · 61-69, M
I had a brief few months as a "Business Consultant". I found the long hours, huge expectations, needing to bring leads and other business in etc all too much
@OldBrit Yes, it is too much.
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Sounds like hell.. maybe one day you can start your own thing
@metaldog Yes, it is hell at times. I just have to find creative ways to endure it sometimes. Definitely, I could start my own thing.
@Existentior I'd be doing everything to get out

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