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This guy is a legit headcase. 3 months ago he was telling me how much his boss had helped him out, giving him time during a stressful point of his

marriage, to the point he was crying in a work meeting. Problem was, part of his issues were monetary and his boss gave him a chance at a more lucrative managerial role. A month ago him and this same boss apparently got into an argument. Other staff were giving feedback that this guy was demanding, harsh, and I believe it. The way he described it to me himself, he considered himself better than most staff, more hardworking, more serious. And maybe that's true, but he now considered his boss too soft on lazy employees. He thinks doing things his way is what the company truly needs and that his boss was compromising the business and his future by listening to feedback from the other staff. He will still say he is grateful for the support his boss gave him, but also that they were now "at war". I feel sorry his boss ever looked after him, what a headcase prima donna
i have seen that type come and go...... usually their own worst enemy.

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