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Ever had to make peace with someone and be like oh yea let's start over, while you know deep down that they do not wish you good?

I do not want to sound mean spirited or vindictive, but the only reason I accepted a peace invitation from a colleague is just so that when they screw up, and I know they will because this is just who they are, I can say; hey I was open to peace and was cooperative, but they did it again! 🤷‍♀️ I am sorry, but people don't change overnight, petty people will remain petty, those with severe ego issues that they can't even see will still act on their ego, and those who don't like you or are jealous of you will remain as shch! It is not like they will suddenly fall in love with you and weirdly coincidentally when you have something on them. So I can't force myself to sense genuineness. Plus, I am way past that stage in life, and past this stage specifically with these people, where I'd get all mushy and forget about everything the minute someone makes a gesture.

Sadly, i think the older I get the less I am able to forgive and the colder I am.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
No. Id never go back to them. Id rather be dead
Lilnonames · F
[image/video deleted]
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
@Lilnonames right on
A long time ago , maybe it was also because I didn't feel I was worthy of respect.
Now, after an insult, I try to keep calm, it looks like peace but when someone's been sly , dishonest, manipulative or condescending I don't expect to make friends with them.
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@EarthlingWise Thanks to them, I have learned too to keep calm, to retaliate the right way where no one can place blame on me. I also said it outright to both of them, we are not going to be friends, and I do not owe anyone a friendship in a workplace, but work-wise, more than happy to help. In a way, I feel the main reason they are hurt and insulted is because I have not given them my friendship or respect, not that they love me and want my friendship so badly, but people with ego hate to be neglected as such, and I intentionally neglected them knowing what it will do to them. I felt it from how they tried to demand their respect using every possible thing, even age 🤷‍♀️ I was like; we are not in school here.. You want your respect, you are gonna have to earn it, but don't demand it based on your age. Now the next mistake they make, I get to say I was generous enough to give a second chance, but they didn't deliver good on their promise. Regardless of all the negativity, I feel I have learned some communication skills of maintaining my temper, after dealing with such unprofessional people, which I have not encountered at my previous workplaces.
Yes. And the only reason is because it’s a family member. 🙁
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Lilnonames · F
If I even sense that I tell them go your way I go mine and leave it b

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