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I Have Macromastia

Okay, this is a huge stretch for me, but here goes...

Hello world! My name is Dawn, & I was diagnosed with Macromastia when I was age 9. I would rather not talk about my size, but I haven't stopped growing since.. It's almost impossible to describe all the challenges I face every day, but I refuse to let this condition rule my life. I've never talked openly about this before.. For years I thought I was the only one.. I'm just so happy to know that I am not alone!
<3 <3 <3

If there is anyone else out there with this condition who wants to chat, feel free to message me!

I understand your pain, we can stay strong in this together! :)
xmedleft · 51-55, M
I hear you and I'm sorry about the challenges you have faced. Have you found any up side in this situation?
Bubbles · 36-40, F
Welcome to SW, I hope you are able to find what you are looking for here! It can be a fun place, and can be a place to find support from others
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DawnStar97 · 26-30, F
@seeandhear That really means a lot, thank you! :)
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doodlebug2013 · 41-45, F
Never give up!
TheNoahNinja77 · 26-30, M

I’m proud of you for stepping out! 💯🙌😄
DawnStar97 · 26-30, F
@TheNoahNinja77 You made me do it LOL! Thanks for helping me find this site Noah, & thank you for being an amazing friend <3
TheNoahNinja77 · 26-30, M
@DawnStar97 Aww your too sweet! <3 This will be good for you, I hope & pray you make some awesome connections! 💯
HeatherFlorida · 36-40, F
Thanks for posting your message, Dawn. Stay strong! There are other women out there like you.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
That was very brave of you. I hope you find someone to talk to.
CaseyHill · 18-21, F
Hi there, This must have taken so much courage to write. I think I might have something a bit like this, I hope we can be friends
CaseyHill · 18-21, F
@Danny2591 it might just be my age i guess
Danny2591 · 31-35, M
@CaseyHill Your age? Are you so young? Don't need to tell me exactly though. And it's not a settings-thing? Because I can see your profile pic on my notifications just fine. Weird o.o Nice pic btw! 😊
Danny2591 · 31-35, M
@Danny2591 @CaseyHill Btw, do you have any other social medias? Discord for example? I could recommend you some women there too if you want!^^
wuiop2 · 41-45

Welcome! We are a generally-supportive bunch, and a few of us are quite open about several aspects of our lives (I am speaking specifically about women in your situation). You are, by far, not alone in any sense. (hugs you)

Don't tolerate BS from others, be your beautiful, authentic self, and learn more about yourself!

(smiles warmly)

See you around! ;)
ProfRS · 61-69, M
Hello, I am Paul. I am a university professor part time and do massage and stress therapy full time. I have worked with clients who deal with this issue. You are courageous in sharing your journey. It is also damn cool you are continuing your studies and not let this stop you from reaching your goals.
Danny2591 · 31-35, M
Stay positive, young lady! This attitude will get you very far in life! I hope we can chat together anytime, since I kinda know how it is to have that condition since I have some friends here who have that aswell!^^
ProfRS · 61-69, M
Hello, I actually treat women with this issue. I hope you are getting good help. Can be difficult.
Mikemcneil · 61-69, M
@ProfRS are you a medical doctor or a surgeon?
Hey there, congrats on steoping out. I'd be happy to chat with you anytime you want to talk!
AceWarbringer · 36-40, M
Good for you!! Glad to see a positive attitude when faced with adversity!! Hugs to you! 🤗
It's nice to see you here. I have friends similarly afflicted.
BookOfSouls85 · 36-40, M
Good that you haven't let it stop you from living the life you want :)
fetvoy12 · 51-55, M
I have seen very little judgement on this site and we all have our little quirks and abnormalities!! You are welcomed and accepted on this site! Cheers!
Danny2591 · 31-35, M
Oh my, thanks for the heart, Dawn, I really appreciate that!^^ Btw, I sent you a little present!^^
pat101 · 26-30, M
I'm not a woman but I'm always free for a chat if you need
Hey, if you ever would like to talk feel free to shoot me a message
needsmilk808 · 56-60, M
Welcome to SW 🙂
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DawnStar97 · 26-30, F
@Kodoku I love SAO! Asuna is my favorite!! 😄

My condition is actually called VBH, Virginal Breast Hypertrophy, or just Macromastia for short. It's complicated LoL
RPFeeder · 36-40, M
@DawnStar97 The only bad thing about SAO is how quickly they rushed through the story line. They could of had hundreds of episodes of awesome...

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