Hooray,I got my period today😁
No more pms,just cramps. Cramps so strong pain pills take it from an 8 to a 4. At least this month I don't feel fat and ugly😂😂😂. Being a woman is fun. Your DNA gives you cramps as punishment for not getting fertiliser for the eggs it keeps losing. Each month,another egg lost,another iteration of the body's DNA gone to waste. Each day drawing it nearer to death as I, the host, refuse to let it reproduce. It will die with me. It's only shot at evading death is passing on an extention of itself outside of itself,to reproduce,but I won't let it. I refuse to give it the final ingredient it needs to survive it's own inevitable death. Every life cycle the DNA manipulates the host body into reproducing thus keeping itself alive by farming host bodies. Once it has the final ingredient needed to grow itself a new vessel to incept itself into, the punishment ends. No more monthly bloodshed. The DNA has gotten what it craves,a new host. Lol,my brain is funny.