ArishMell · 70-79, M
The words are not very clear on my screen, but was I right reading it as
[quote]... address the needs of men, families and communities as they relate to women's health [/quote/] ?
I am puzzled. What does that really mean?
If a woman has children obviously they want a healthy mother, and I would hope her husband cares about her; but why are "men" listed separately, what other "needs" might men have; and what might be her community's "needs"?
I can't believe it really means a woman's health shall depend on what her partner or worse, undefined "community", thinks. Indeed, I am sure most men, and their friends and relatives, would be anxious to see their partners recover from illness. The whole Bill appears intended to say women shall have access to proper health-care just as men have. So it does seem a very strange clause.
However, being a foreigner who lives in a country that simply believes in equal health-care for all, I admit I do not understand American law or health systems, nor what social ideology underlies that clause. Which is why I am puzzled.
[quote]... address the needs of men, families and communities as they relate to women's health [/quote/] ?
I am puzzled. What does that really mean?
If a woman has children obviously they want a healthy mother, and I would hope her husband cares about her; but why are "men" listed separately, what other "needs" might men have; and what might be her community's "needs"?
I can't believe it really means a woman's health shall depend on what her partner or worse, undefined "community", thinks. Indeed, I am sure most men, and their friends and relatives, would be anxious to see their partners recover from illness. The whole Bill appears intended to say women shall have access to proper health-care just as men have. So it does seem a very strange clause.
However, being a foreigner who lives in a country that simply believes in equal health-care for all, I admit I do not understand American law or health systems, nor what social ideology underlies that clause. Which is why I am puzzled.
in10RjFox · M
Not very legible. But could read that women's health care should address men, families and communities as well.. right?
So what's the issue?
So what's the issue?
BrandNewMan · M
MasterLee · 56-60, M
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
feMiNizm Is OlDz HuNz
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IF You owmNz A WomBbbZ TimeZ To Be payiNgz 100% foRz itZ urSeLFz
WenTz TooZ WokEz
IF You owmNz A WomBbbZ TimeZ To Be payiNgz 100% foRz itZ urSeLFz