pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
My wife was in her fifties when it started and it took like two years until she was done.. on the other hand other than periods slowing down and then stopping there were no other side effects.. Libido remained unchanged, next to no grey hair or skin changes, a tiny bit of lubrication for intimacy required to make things comfortable.. Zero hot flashes or sweating. She was VERY happy to not have periods any more... when she was still getting them the odd time she got angry about it.....
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pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@Nebula She had previously been fitted with a non-hormonal IUD - paraguard.. I am not so sure there were any "secrets" other than one particular thing ... we have been frequently and regularly intimately active before, during and since.. This really is the only unusual thing we do - we make love once each and every day - the whole deal foreplay, cunnilingus (to orgasm) and vaginal intercourse with a bit of lubricant to make sure penetration and intercourse is comfortable and I am slow and gentle but she is quite petite.... We never had intimacy during her period and her continuing to get periods during peri-o-menopause was why she was angry - she did NOT like the interference in our intimate life.. The every day part was and remains her initiative - I do what I am told to do and she is in charge...
Nebula · 41-45, F
@pdqsailor1 dammit I need a husband
pdqsailor1 · 61-69, M
@Nebula She has me very well trained and domesticated.. That part might be the key to her success? I think that our making love every day has significant positive health implications.. I am now 67 and I think because of her I am a bit of a freak in a good way.. Everything works well in that department, no grey hair on my head, hair loss is minimal, no wrinkles, phenomenal flexibility.. Perfect vision - no eye glasses and I can thread the needle on the sewing machine.. no medications... and yes every morning ....why? Because that is what she wants...
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
I'm experiencing it now
Nebula · 41-45, F
@deadgerbil lord help us all
Wolffy · 56-60, M
Depends on the woman I guess I've heard it starting at 30 it's called Perry menopause all cases would be different
Any time after your 40th birthday, according to my friends.
@Nebula Do you know when other women in your family went through menopause??? It'll give you a rough idea when you might be able to expect it.
Doesn't work in my case, though, the women in my mother's side of the family had hysterectomies... and I can't follow suit because I'm infertile.
Doesn't work in my case, though, the women in my mother's side of the family had hysterectomies... and I can't follow suit because I'm infertile.
Nebula · 41-45, F
@HootyTheNightOwl my Mom was in her 50s
@Nebula You could be good for another 5 or 10 years, then...
Bang5luts · M