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blessedJess · 26-30, F
400 calories a day is definitely not a good idea. Chances are you will lose weight but then put it all back on. Depriving yourself will only lead to stronger cravings and more chances of binge eating. The start to anything is being happy with yourself, even if you’re not at a goal weight and wanting to work on yourself for health reasons. Maybe talking to someone about things could help?
UnicornApocalypse · 22-25, F
@blessedJess It definitely does give you more cravings,but I have learned to fight through hunger and cravings.. I've tried talking to a professional before, it didn't seem to do much.
blessedJess · 26-30, F
@UnicornApocalypse maybe you could try again? With someone new. You never know until you try, there are plenty of other options that can help though. I struggle with body dysmorphia so I find sticking to a certain diet helps me lose/maintain my weight without giving me cravings and I get enough calories without me realising. So I’m kind of tricking my mind into thinking I’m not eating enough but I am, if that makes sense lol

Getting to your goal weight will not do anything to change the body image in the mind. Only self confidence and a therapeutic approach can change that. And that is much harder to do than simply losing weight. The mind has to be changed as well.
@UnicornApocalypse Well there has been studies done on eating disorders that show the brain keeps a "map" of what the body is supposed to look like. And when the outside doesn't match that image it causes psychological distress. Thing is that "map" is very easily manipulated by things like peer pressure and expected social norms. It is sort of like being brainwashed by body images from popular media. So in a way you could say it is in the head. But that doesn't mean anything because that is normal and where our sense of self is stored.
Another thing ED does is what some people call moving the goalposts. Like you get to your target weight but you feel no different. So you set a new thinner goal and get to that one and the same thing happens all over again.
Are you seeing anybody for any of this?
UnicornApocalypse · 22-25, F
@canusernamebemyusername Wow human beings are quite confusing sometimes. It makes sense though, moving your "goalposts" kinda feels like the logical thing to do when you're not happy yet. People don't really think about it that way.. I have seen a few psychologists and psychiatrists over the years for different reasons,they never actually helped though..
@UnicornApocalypse Well don't forget you also need to do a lot of the therapy on yourself. Like surround yourself with as much body positivity as you can. Realize that you are not the worst person out there. In looks or behaviour. Find friends that support your positivity. Not the ones that feed into your condition. You are perfectly beautiful the way you are. Find the people that also make you feel that way. And maybe over time they can teach you how to love yourself even if you cant at the moment.
Lostpoet · M
You should talk to somebody. Congrats on your determination though. 🙌

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