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why do they call the Georgia shooter "deranged"?

It seems to me, he had an agenda and tried to follow it. "Deranged" sounds like he was maniacal and whacky.

does anyone know why he did it?
I think it's part of building up a "nothing could have been done" excuse.

OF COURSE we could have mandatory gun registration and licensing. OF COURSE we could ban assault weapons and limit magazine sizes. OF COURSE there's plenty that could have been done.

But the gun lobby needs their excuses. Just like they need more permissive gun laws to get more sales.
bowman81 · M
We call all these "shooters" deranged because it gives us an excuse for doing NOTHING when their problems first become apparent. They are "deranged" and not responsible for their actions. Then we can blame the inanimate object.

When people tell/show us who they are we have to start believing them. This kid didn't just turn without warning. He had a history. We ignore kids acting out at our own peril.
If you make every shooter a totally independent cardboard cutout of a mentally ill cliche you can pretend so hard that there is no pattern here.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow wrong! it happens every where all the time....except in Canada. We, here in America, just find shootings to be big news. school shootings have happened before too. and kidnappings...but now they report it to death where as before, they kept it quiet. as if it made us sound bad
@LILY61 Sorry but living in delusion and pretending it is not a problem is why it is still a problem in the US.

Hopes and prayers are no substitute for real solutions.
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emiliya · 22-25, F
What was his agenda? To kill?

I read that he is 14, and that he was interviewed last year by police in Georgia. Apparently schools in the area were told to monitor him, but how can they do that? It doesn't mean anything and is just something law enforcement, schools, or any authority say when they can't do anything else. Although anonymous posts were made by the boy online, his father was the one with the guns and police determined the boy did not have unsupervised access to them. He probably did, but what do we want? If they had taken his father's guns, US would be closer to a dictatorship.

I never understand why people's response to crime is to advocate less freedom for all, more restrictions for society. It is an irrational and hysterical response.
@emiliya schools need security. they could have been watching him and others and when he went to go get his gun...he would have been stopped. he was stopped at the classroom door when they SAW he had a gun
emiliya · 22-25, F
@LILY61 It is unnatural to have security in schools.

Why can't we ask why he felt the need to shoot his fellow students and his teachers?
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RockerDad · M
It sounds like this kid was a ticking time bomb
@RockerDad aren't we all?
He was a pretty good shot. Guns guarantee you will have shooting, but your politics as a nation is what really is deranged. It's not leftist at all.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Because they don't believe that EVIL exists.
Non deranged won’t shoot unless they are in armed forces or in police force
@mysteryespresso wrong...depressed and pushed to one's limits is not deranged
@ElwoodBlues no one was deranged in these instances. irresponsible though. i don't get your point.
@MasterLee one what? deranged people? yes, the people who raised me were completely deranged and they collected guns and they were friends with the police and they had many get out of jail free cards.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
To distract the media
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ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@LILY61 Okay, everybody is crazy. Happy now?
@ChipmunkErnie Was that sooo hard?
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@LILY61 Not hard at all; not worth the effort to argue.

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