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What if North Korea invaded South Korea now with Putin and China’s support… what will the US do?

America would fund South Korea, but it would be a pretty short war. North Korea is a paper gangsta. Their military does a lot of propaganda marches and videos, but in an actual war, they'd get owned. This is a third world country we're talking about.
Jennster · 18-21, F
@BohemianBoo that’s reassuring
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emiliya · 22-25, F
What can they do, send the world into nuclear war? US has had its chances. It did not have to be so inflexible and dogmatic and ideological. It could be practical and realize that isolating nations while sanctioning them will only make them form alliances with other countries they dislike, but it won't under a Democrat leader. This also wouldn't happen under many Republican leaders.

If the outcome you desire is not being achieved, you have to change the approach. Acceptance of the differences between nations and the way the world works is needed from the US.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
It wouldn't
Filipinalez · 18-21, F
The answer wont be good either way. I pray my mom isnt right that it could mean WW3!
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
US will support SK unless spineless Joe backs out
IM5688 · 61-69, M
That's an easy answer. If Biden is in charge, he'll just add SoKo to his US donation payroll and give them millions/billions of our tax money. And when he runs out, he'll just print or borrow more.
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
It's going to get really ugly when that time comes!!!And it will be coming soon....Maybe like 4 years or sooner:)And if China invades Taiwan....that will be a HUGE problem......
Jennster · 18-21, F
@Nevertooold do you think the US will defend it?
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
@Jennster We always do right!!!
Elessar · 26-30, M
Russia can't afford opening a new front, the blanket is short and they're already losing positions in Syria

China's focus is Taiwan
Jennster · 18-21, F
@Elessar wil the US be ok opening another front purely from a resource and politics perspective
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Biden: China good, Russia bad. Oh the dilemma 😵‍💫
Jennster · 18-21, F
@BizSuitStacy Trump- Russia good - China bad - but North Korea good (he loves him
Jennster · 18-21, F
who is the Russia bad China bad candidate?
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Yes,master. War shall you have! Nobody would dare stop NATO -stan.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
The USA will do what they've been doing since they arrived in Ukraine. If the USA won't act against Putin in Ukraine, the USA will not act against Putin in South Korea either.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
@SandWitch Except that SoKo is an official ally of the US. Ukraine is not. IMO, We probably would go in and help SoKo, but we shouldn't be helping Ukraine to the extent we have been aiding them.
Jennster · 18-21, F
@IM5688 isn’t it good to support your enemy’s enemy?
swirlie · 31-35, F
The USA will set up an advisory committee to monitor the situation.
Honestly? We should have never gotten involved, Truman screwed the pooch on that one.
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