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Game: Sims 4

Is anyone else obsessed with this game? ❤️
Jessmari · 41-45
All I wanted to do was build and decorate houses in the older games.. I did download the main Sims 4 game since they made it free. I'll play it at some Point haha.
CrypticPeaches · 31-35, F
@Jessmari it's addicting! I hope you enjoy playing 😁
I had a lot of fun with Sims 3, but the last game I purchased from EA, was SimCity. They wouldn't let me refund their game I purchased (after 2 days) because I bought it from their Origin System. So, I've been making decisions with my wallet, and haven't purchased or downloaded anything from EA. I'll still play their older stuff or the things I already own that are from Electronic Arts, but anything after 2013 is a no-go for me.
black4white · 56-60, M
had to stop playing SIMS when it first came out cuz it was so much its a forbidden fruit to me hahaha... so the short answer is NO
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
I load it up every now and then when I'm bored of everything else for amusement; though I use mods
Never played those

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