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Elden Ring

Anybody on here playing Elden Ring? I’m LV 40 on two accounts and still haven’t managed to get past the first boss 😂😂 can anyone recommend good farming areas/equipment?
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SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
I've been playing it and passed the first boss but he was quite a challenge, I had to play around with weapons and stuff. I can't remember what I did but I upgraded a bunch of stuff like spirit ashes (either the Jellyfish or Lhutel the Headless I don't remember which one I used) and upgraded damage on my sword. I upgraded a bunch and then went back, got a few incantations. Was able to finally beat him.

However, a good farming early game for ruins is this video here, each enemy is 1,000 runes each, basically at Farum Greatbridge Site of Grace in Caelid is a great place, here is the video. It's well worth it because the enemies are easy enough to get.


Also.. you can respect your character in Liurnia but from what I've come to find out, my character is strongish regarding some things but extremely weak against stronger foes. I found out that you could be leveling your character wrong too. For instance most people think that they only need 20 vigor or so but for the beginning you should have at least 50.

And that apparently when you level, you soft cap which means that they stop giving you as much "vigor" with each level (I'm bad at explaining things.) But basically when you hit level 50, you don't get that much vigor anymore with each rune leveling.

So you may want to look into more.

Here's the video I found on why you may need to up vigor:

SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
Oh aside from my last comment, I forgot to tell you about the item that you can use especially for him, it's called Margit's Shackle and it's purchased from Patches which you can find after you beat Patches in a fight. He'll try to fight you after you open his chest by calling you a thief and somewhere in the middle of his life bar he'll apologize and leave it at that.

After that, if you go to a Site of Grace and rest for a night, then go back his shop will be available for use and Margit's Shackle is 5,000 runes which you can easily get from farming.

He has another chest after you beat him that you may be curious about, don't do it. It transports you to a huge bear and you can get away from them but then you'll have to exit the area and travel back over the site of grace near where Patches can be found lol.

So after you have that item, you won't lose that item even if you lose the fight a few times so you can quick slot it and use it at any time.

It will bind Margit for about five seconds but you can only use it twice at the beginning of his fight, after he gets out his hammer.. you won't be able to use it until you have to fight him again if you lost.

But it helps greatly, you can get a few shots in when you throw it at him.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Yep I've been playing it!

Which boss is 'first boss' for you because you can kinda wander around and do whatever.
kiwsty · 26-30, F
@CountScrofula yeah I get that but generally speaking Margit, I can get him to half health and that’s on a mage base lol
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@kiwsty Hey me too! I just took down Godrick.

Get this:

It's not too hard to get (particularly if level 40). It'll increase your damage massively. I found margrit wasn't too bad with the wolf ashes.
JackJames · M
This makes me want to play it even more. I was playing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice and had to start over because I went to one place before I should’ve and couldn’t get passed it.
maturedragon · 26-30, M
I'm waiting for a lower price for the game
caccoon · 36-40
Just roll 👍👍

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